1 Scam Reports

Other: investment scram


I filled a form to purchase Yuan from the Banc De Luxemburg/500€. Adam Weiss contacted me and I invested 10.000€ and got a bonus of 5000€, they said when I want to withdraw this 5000€ will be deducted from the amount. We communicated through WhatsApp and calls. I made the transaction via Coinbase and I was able to withdraw 10999SFR to my bank account. Then Adam told me to continue trading so I deposited to Kraken (2 deposits) of 142572.25 SFR as he said there`s a special short-term investment 20 days and highly profitable but required 200K. He then told me the trading slots for 200K were already full but there`s the place for 250K. He then asked the finance department for a loan of 50K for me to be able to participate. I had to write an acknowledgment of the loan but I made sure I add the line loan to be deducted from profits. I was really not planning to go ahead with it but he said it`s a short-term investment and really profitable. When the project started, he said he lost his voice and needs an operation. At the end of the trading period, my account was on 698491.21€, and he asked me how much I would like to withdraw, I said 160K because I thought the 50K would be deducted. Then he told me they don`t accept my withdrawal request until I don`t pay the 50K, but strangely they never asked me to pay the bonus which they give in the first time. The financial department did not accept it and I didn’t have money to pay the 50K. He then told me he got an extension from the legal department to pay back the loan. I truly believe at this point I have been scammed. I have asked several times for their license number and have been informed that they are governed by a Crypto trading under the name of Tradestone.

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