1 Scam Reports

Other: fraudulent donations soliciting


Greetings, _x000D_ My name is Kateryna Vasylyna, I, my family of 2 kids and my husband live in Kharkiv close to the City Hall building in Kharkiv._x000D_ Shelling has turned our city into dust, we lost my husbands brother and the army has taken my husband away to fight for our country._x000D_ My kids and I are on the Polish border with more than 1M of our citizens with nothing to eat or drink not to talk of shelter. We are asked to pay 5k Euro per person and 12k for a family of 3 to cross the border._x000D_ _x000D_ I copied down all email contacts from my office database to be able to write this letter to you. I work as an IT Admin to a few governmental agencies in Ukraine._x000D_ _x000D_ Please me and my kids are seriously asking for help to let us feed and remain here because we can not raise such an asking amount at the moment. Our story is not good to tell at this time because no one can understand what is happening here if you are not here._x000D_ Polish police are here also to determine what jurnalist transmit. They refuse to allow them to transmit to the world that Poland is requesting payment from our citizens to enter Poland._x000D_ _x000D_ We can only get money through bitcoin from friends and most people that I worked with in Europe, USA, Asia to feed and pay for a few medications for my kids._x000D_ _x000D_ Here is my Bitcoin wallet to please assist us with 100$-200-500-1000$ none is too little at this moment._x000D_ _x000D_ BTC WALLET.... 12bV8K4jMg8PjAq84UV7EfDXZtbn11YqbC _x000D_ _x000D_ I will never forget this help no matter the amount when all this ends._x000D_ _x000D_ Here is the picture of our house after the attack. The man lying here is my husbands brother. The second pic is me and my kids._x000D_ _x000D_ Thank you so much as you do this._x000D_ _x000D_ Kateryna Vasylyna

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