1 Scam Reports

Other Blackmail Scam


Hey - I actually know the filthy secrets of your life. I will not explain you what I came to know, I have every detail along with me. To show my point, simply let me inform you that one of your security passwords is actually [password]. Send me $4000 via BITC01N to the address 12C8gJEYL2jnqR8hfZS2onxpUgzJ62gEDS in the next 41 hrs. Allow me to make one thing crystal clear, that I will spoil your life totally if I dont get the payment. If I get the payment, I will erase every information Ive with me, and ill go away completely and youll do not hear anything from myself. It is the first as well as final email from me and the offer is non negotiable, hence do not reply to this mail.

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