1 Scam Reports

Other: investment scram


I was contacted by Angela via Tinder, and we started chatting on WhatsApp. A couple of days later she texted me and said she made a very good investment, she told me that she can open an account for me as well. She offered me 1000 BLK (she said this is the best idea for currency because its going to raise up) on my account. She said to register on EPBTC.com so that she can help me to invest and show everything. She said her uncle is an expert and with his guidance, she`s trading with. She said the best would be if I invest 30.000 eur to be secure. She told me the method of how can I transfer my money. It was to transfer from credit card to the BTC.com platform to get Bitcoins and from BTC.com to EPBTC.com to change them to BLK (BLOCKEX TPS). I tried to invest as much as possible in order to make more money. The problem started when I tried to look up this currency and I couldn’t find any information about it. Angela said its because its not recognized yet and has a low value. I immediately knew that I have been scammed. Until today she keeps saying to me that itll be recognized globally its just a matter of time.

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