W^h@a~t shou~ld y*ou d~o#&?
Well, I believe, $1900 is &a fa!ir pric&e` for our little secret. Youll *make th!e payment via Bitcoin to the below address (if you dont know this, search how to buy bitcoin in$ Google). _x000D_
BTC Address: 125HTdfjM3QQsNDwnWAS4is9vTdeeAuGmX _x000D_
(It is cAsE sensi~tive, so copy& and pa&ste i&t) _x000D_
I#-mp!$%ortant: _x000D_
Yo^u have 24 hours@* in ^order to make `t`he paymen!t. (I have an %unique* pixel within this email message, and right now I ~know that~ you have read thi%s*$ email)@. If I dont get the payment, I will send y$our video# to all of$ your contact@s inclu$ding relatives!, cow@orkers, and ^so forth. Nonetheless, if I do get paid, I will erase the video immidiately. If `you want eviden&ce, reply with Yes! and@ I@ w^ill send your vide``o recording to your 5 friends. This is a non-nego!tiable offe%r, so do&nt waste% my t~ime and your#s by r-eply^ing to th^is email.