92 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


Sextorion demanding bitcoin pymt or they will release an inappropriate video.

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Other Blackmail Scam


webporn/webcam video Blackmail scammer

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Other Blackmail Scam


Blackmail extortion attempt. asshat

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W%h~at sh`*oul%d^ yo$u`% do? _x000D_ Well, @I believe, $1900 is a fair p!rice for our little sec*ret. Youll mak!e the payment via Bitcoin to the below address !(if you dont know this, search h@o#w to buy bitco*in in Google). _x000D_ _x000D_ BTC Address: 125HTdfjM3QQsNDwnWAS4is9vTdeeAuGmX _x000D_ (It `is cAsE sensitive, so copy and past!e it)

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Reported Address
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Sextortion Scam


I know <password> is your p~assword~. ~You dont kno`w me and youre thi$nking- why you recei~ved this @e mail, r&ight? _x000D_ We`ll!, I act%ually place#d a malw@are on the porn website* an^d guess what, you visited this web site to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching t^he v&ideo, your web browser acted as a RDP (Remote Desktop) and a keylogger wh*ich provided m&e access to your display scre!en and webcam. Right $-after that, my software gathered all your contac^ts f$ro#!m your `Me-~ssenger, Fac^eb!ook- account, and email account.

Reported Address
Reported Address
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Sextortion Scam


W^h@a~t shou~ld y*ou d~o#&? _x000D_ Well, I believe, $1900 is &a fa!ir pric&e` for our little secret. Youll *make th!e payment via Bitcoin to the below address (if you dont know this, search how to buy bitcoin in$ Google). _x000D_ _x000D_ BTC Address: 125HTdfjM3QQsNDwnWAS4is9vTdeeAuGmX _x000D_ (It is cAsE sensi~tive, so copy& and pa&ste i&t) _x000D_ _x000D_ I#-mp!$%ortant: _x000D_ _x000D_ Yo^u have 24 hours@* in ^order to make `t`he paymen!t. (I have an %unique* pixel within this email message, and right now I ~know that~ you have read thi%s*$ email)@. If I dont get the payment, I will send y$our video# to all of$ your contact@s inclu$ding relatives!, cow@orkers, and ^so forth. Nonetheless, if I do get paid, I will erase the video immidiately. If `you want eviden&ce, reply with Yes! and@ I@ w^ill send your vide``o recording to your 5 friends. This is a non-nego!tiable offe%r, so do&nt waste% my t~ime and your#s by r-eply^ing to th^is email.

Reported Address
Reported Address
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Other Blackmail Scam


You have 24 hours in order to make t&he payment. (I have an unique pixel w~ithin this email` message, and right n*ow I know !that yo@u have read th@is %emai-l).~ @!If I dont get the payment, I will send your video to all of your co&ntacts including relatives,~ coworkers, a!nd so forth. Nonethele`ss, if I do get paid, I will erase the video immidiately. If you want evidence, reply with Yes! and I will send y&our video recording to your 5 friends. This is a non-negotiable offer, so &d`ont wa!ste my time and you@rs by replying @to thi&s email.

Reported Address
Reported Address
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Sextortion Scam


I know ola1ola is your password. You dont know me and youre thinking #why you received this e mail, right? _x000D_ Well, I actuall`y placed a^ malware #on the porn website and- guess wh!at, you visited this $web site t*o have` fun (you `kn!*ow what $I mean)%. While you were watchin~g the video, your` web browser acted as a RDP^ (Remo#te Desk$top) and a keylogger which provided me access to your display screen and webcam. Right after! that, #my soft^ware gather#ed- !all your contac!ts from your Messenger, Facebook account, and emai!l account.

Reported Address
Reported Address
Bitcoin logo

Sextortion Scam


I know ola1ola is your password. You dont know- me and y`oure t^hinking why you received!& this@ e`# m^ail, right$? _x000D_ Well, I actually placed a malware on the porn website and guess what, you vis!ited th$is web site to ha%ve @fu#n (yo@u @know what I mean). While you we-re# `w^atching the video, your web browser act`ed &as a RDP (Remote Desktop) and a keylogger which provided me access to your display screen and webcam. Righ*@t after that, my software ga*thered all your contacts from your Messenger, Face`book account#, an$d email account.

Reported Address
Reported Address
Bitcoin logo

Sextortion Scam


I know ola1ola is your p#assword. You dont know me and y@#oure thinking why *you received thi&s %e m%ail, right? _x000D_ Well, I ^actually p%laced a malware on t$he porn website and guess what, you vi&s-ited this web sit%-e to ha&ve fu%n (you know wh%at I` mean). While you we^re wat&ching the video, your web browser acted as a RDP` (Remote Desktop) !and-~ a keylogger whi^ch provided me acce-ss to your display scre%en` and webcam. Right after that, my soft^ware gathered all your contacts from your Messenger, Facebo@o^k account, and emai!l account._x000D_ _x000D_ W`*hat ex*actly d#&id I $do?

Reported Address
Reported Address
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Using old password dump, and contacting users via email to try to collect ransom: _x000D_ I know ******** is your password. You dont know me and youre thinking why you %r~eceived this e mail,* right?_x000D_ _x000D_ Well, I actually placed a& malware on the porn website and guess w%hat, you visited this web site t@o have fu@n (you know what I mean). While you were& watching the vi@deo, yo-ur web browser acted as a RDP (Remote Desktop)*@ and a keylog`ger wh~ich provided me access to your display screen and webcam. Right after tha$t, my software gathered all your cont&acts &$-from your -M!essenger%, Facebook account, and email !account.

Reported Address
Reported Address
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Sextortion Scam


Originating from which is allocated to a company in Indonesia. They appear to be using a very old and outdated password dump.

Reported Address
Reported Address
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Other Blackmail Scam


We#ll`$, #I actually placed a malware on the po`rn website@ and g@uess what, you visited~ t@his web site to have f~un!* (you know what I me`&an). W`h@ile* you we`re watching the video, y`our !web browser acted as a RDP (Remote% Desktop) and a key#lo!gge&r which provided me access to your display scre#en and webcam!. Right after th*at, my %software gathered all y&our contacts from your !M`essenger, Fa`cebook a-c%count, and& email account. _x000D_ W~hat$ ex-#actly did !I d@@o? _x000D_ _x000D_ I made a split-screen video. -First& part re@cord!ed the video you were vie!wing (youve got a fine taste haha), and next part recorded your webcam~ (Yep! Its y&ou doing nasty things!).

Reported Address
Reported Address
Bitcoin logo

Other Blackmail Scam


Well, I actually plac$ed a malware on&- the porn website and guess what, you visited this web site to have fun (you know w!~hat I# m%ean). While you were *watching the ~@video, yo$ur web browser ac%ted as a RDP (Remo&te Deskto&p) and a ^keylog@ger which provided me acces#s to your display screen and webcam. Ri!ght after# tha^t!, $my software ga&thered a$ll your con%tacts from your Messenger&, Facebook account, and email account`. _x000D_ What ~exac%t`$l&y &did I! &do? _x000D_ _x000D_ I made a split-s!creen video. First *part recorded the vide@o you were viewing (youve got a* f!ine taste haha), an~d next# part `recorded your web$cam (Yep!@ Its you doing nasty th`ings!).

Reported Address
Reported Address
Bitcoin logo

Other Blackmail Scam


Well, I actually& pl!aced `&a ma@l-war*e on the porn website and guess what, `you visited@ t`his web site to have f~un (you kno^w what I mean). While you! were watc^`hing the video, your web^ br%owser act%ed as a RDP *(Remote De#sktop) and %#a keylogger which provided me ac^cess -to yo!&%-ur d-isplay screen and webcam. Right after tha~t-, my software gathered@ all your contacts` from your Messenger, Facebook account, and e%mail account. _x000D_ Wh-at exactly did `I do? _x000D_ _x000D_ I made a split-scr#e#en *video. First part recorded the ^vid%eo you $w$ere# viewing (yo@uve got a fine taste haha), and next part recorded your webca`m (Ye-p! Its you- doing# nasty things!)

Reported Address
Reported Address
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