1 Scam Reports

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Hello - I came to know the sneaky secrets. I wont tell you what I know, Ive got every detail with me. To show my point, please let myself tell you that one of your passwords is actually <password>. Pay me $6000 via BITC01N to the address_x000D_ 1243Cze6vWSQzKthyBGaQMTjwoB92EaQoK within the next 47 hours. Allow me to make one thing precise, that I will wreck your_x000D_ life completely if I do not get the payment. Should I get the payment, Im going to delete each and every information I_x000D_ have with me, and I will go away for good and youll dont ever hear a thing from me. It is the first as well as final e_x000D_ mail from me as well as the offer is non negotiable, therefore do not respond to this email.

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