Im aware, ************, is your password.
I need your complete attention for the next 24 hrs, or I will make sure you that you live out of guilt for the rest of your life._x000D_
Hello there, you dont know me personally. Yet I know every thing regarding you. Your personal fb contact list, mobile phone contacts as well as all the digital activity on your computer from previous 181 days._x000D_
Including, your self pleasure video footage, which brings me to the main motive why I m writing this mail to you._x000D_
Well the last time you visited the adult porn websites, my malware ended up being activated inside your personal computer which ended up logging a beautiful video clip of your self pleasure play simply by triggering your web cam._x000D_
(you got a unquestionably strange preference btw lol)_x000D_
I have got the entire recording. In the case you feel I m playing around, just reply proof and I will be forwarding the particular recording randomly to 12 people you know._x000D_
It might end up being your friend, co workers, boss, parents (I dont know! My software program will randomly choose the contact details)._x000D_
Would you be able to gaze into anyones eyes again after it? I doubt that..._x000D_
Nonetheless, doesnt necessarily need to be that way._x000D_
Im going to make you a one time, non negotiable offer._x000D_
Purchase USD 2000 in bitcoin and send them to the down below address:_x000D_
[CASE-sensitive, copy & paste it, and remove * from it]_x000D_
(If you do not understand how, lookup how to acquire bitcoin. Do not waste my precious time)_x000D_
If you send out this particular donation (let us call it that?). Immediately after that, I will go away and never get in touch with you again. I will erase everything I have about you. You may keep on living your current ordinary day to day life with no concern.
Address may appear as 1241ebGCdCZydMQXwuzu*NvUqfAx62k7aKH.