1 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


İ installęd a software on the xxx vİds (pornography) web-sitę ånd theręs mōre, yōu vİsited this web site to expęrięnce fūn (yōū know what i mean). When you werę watchİng video clips, your browser started ōperåting as å RDP with a kęy lōgger which gavę me access to yōūr dİsplay screen and web camerå. Right after that, my sōftware cōllectęd yōūr complete cōntacts from yoūr Messenger, FB, as well as e-mail . Next i made a vidęō. First pårt shōws the videō you were watching (you have a good taste lmåo), and 2nd part displåys the vięw ōf your web camęrå, yeå it is you.

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