1 Scam Reports

Contract Exploit Scam


This is a scam using Microstrategy web sight and Vitalink as a front saying will give back twicw what you send in. I feel for it. put 1 Eth in to try it to receive 2 eth back, if it worked was going to put 10 in to receive 20 back, pure scam. I never received anything back and have the etherscan report showing me doing this, looks like I lost over $2000, but watching screen of people doing this there where people losing hundreds of coins doing this, that is why I tried it. Advertising on Microstrategies web sight now, but they show nothing to do with it when you search and pull up their main sight. This is on YUTUBE to also go too. Just do not want any one else to be scamed like me. Check it out if you know of a way to get my 1Eth back please let me know.

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