3 Scam Reports

Rug Pull Scam


The Slope Finance hack is one which ultimately leads one to believe that the company itself rug pulled its users by logging their private keys to their server via their sentry installation and then using said keys to steal fund. As the bulk of funds stolen were in USDC it is possible for Circle to block the movement of funds from the wallet which i provided in this report. If Circle are able to block the funds from moving we can at least instil some hope in the community that their funds will not exit the chain and be obfuscated. If Circle and Binance/other centralised exchanges work together we can get these stolen funds back to their rightful owners through checking for verified accounts which have funded the victim accounts. Since the hack occurred the crypto community has left the victims without so much as an apology and the strategy laid out here is one which can provide some hope to people whom have been scammed in the middle of a global cost of living crisis. Please help us guys.

Reported Addresses
Reported Address
Solana logo
Reported Address
Solana logo
Reported Address
Solana logo

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Phishing Scam


Scammer's wallet address

Reported Address
Reported Address
Ethereum logo

Contract Exploit Scam


Over 8,000 members of the Solana ecosystem were hit in a wide spread attack that resulted in wallets being drained. A seperate drain attack likely connected targeting ethereum ecosytem was also reported. Investigation is on-going.

Reported Addresses
Reported Address
Solana logo
Reported Address
Solana logo
Reported Address
Solana logo

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Reports by Category

Backed By
TRM logoSolana logoCircle logoOpensea logoAave logoBinance logoCivic logoHedera logoRasomwhe.re logo
Backed By
TRM logoSolana logoCircle logoOpensea logoAave logoBinance logoCivic logoHedera logoRasomwhe.re logo