1 Scam Reports

NFT Airdrop Scam


Scam starts as an airdropped erc20 on Polygon. The token symbol is the website 0bets[.]io. https://polygonscan.com/token/0xf31cdb090d1d4b86a7af42b62dc5144be8e42906 When going to the website, you are prompted to connect your wallet to claim an airdrop. When connecting wallet, you are then prompted to sign an infinite "approval" transaction. This tx actually appears to attempt to send funds to a Polygon wallet address. https://polygonscan.com/address/0x9426f507ae4d630fab42de5e8c01aaa5ea729ec6 When viewing the comments on polygonscan for this address, as well as the token address there are many reports of users who have been scammed, and lost funds.

Reported Addresses and Domains
Reported Address
Polygon logo
Reported Domain


Reported Address
Polygon logo

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