702 Scam Reports

Rug Pull Scam


A moonshot token named Monopoly {$Mono) by a "Eth maximalists team" (their twitters : https://x.com/Giedion_3101 https://x.com/MozesEth https://x.com/slagglasslamp https://x.com/maakuntamies https://x.com/DeFiEminent) Twitter of the token was : https://x.com/Collect2PassGo Project looked real at first : liquidity locked, airdrops for top holders, internet site, etc.. Some team members became more discrete, even the "CEO", who pretended he was working on NFTs and on the logo... Then every member of the team transfered their tokens to dev wallet, who sold everything without a word, deleting the twitter account and the telegram chat. The rug happened at the same time as another, by the same "team" for the coin "'Memegold, (https://dexscreener.com/solana/brf2mudvswqkqeqylhm2wuzeufrvdqmfg4whh67quh9r)

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Rug Pull Scam


In the month of January 2025 I registered for the Game Epic Ballad Rise of Heroes, as they promised to be a crypto mining game. To mine, you needed to buy some NFTs. As an initial strategy I acquired 3 NFTs. In less than 1 month, before I could withdraw the amounts invested, the game froze withdrawals and stopped working.

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Rug Pull Scam


The game is called "Epic Ballad". I found out about it through a streamer who announced the game that worked with NFTs. The user pays and receives the investment back + profit as a percentage. However, there was an error announced by the company when they went to update the value of EBC in the game. The error was published as follows: From US$ 0.056 to US$ 0.56. They claimed that several users made withdrawals, converting EBC to USDT, guaranteeing a profit of more than 10x the real value. The team asked for a few days to correct the error and punish the accounts that tried to cheat the system. After 5 days, all accounts were frozen and all users' money was withheld. The team sent messages to Telegram groups, requesting a deposit of US$ 59.4 to restore the accounts or the account would be held for 1 month for regular verification. After the non-payment, all groups, guild leaders and those responsible deleted all records from Telegram. Several users are trying to withdraw at least the amount of the investment that each one made. To date, without success.

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Rug Pull Scam


NFT com o valor todo congelado dentro do Jogo Epic Ballad

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Rug Pull Scam


Hello, I bought a token on Photon and i got rug pulled. I hope you can help me.

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Rug Pull Scam


Epic Ballad is a blockchain-based game that operates a play-to-earn model with its in-game token, EBC. The developers and insiders manipulate the market, creating an illusion of sustainable returns while systematically devaluing the token for regular players and investors. Key Aspects of the Scam: Market Manipulation & Token Suppression: The in-game exchange rate for EBC is artificially suppressed to $0.0402, while the secondary market price is around $0.25. This creates a situation where players who earn EBC in-game are forced to sell at a significantly lower price, while insiders can extract liquidity at a much higher rate. The developers periodically adjust the in-game token economy in ways that favor early investors and insiders, while long-term players face diminishing returns. Ponzi-like Mechanics: The game encourages players to invest in NFTs with a daily yield mechanism, but the returns decrease over time, requiring continuous reinvestment. New players need to buy NFTs to start earning, but older NFTs lose profitability quickly, forcing players to reinvest in new ones. This resembles a Ponzi scheme, where funds from new investors sustain payouts to earlier ones. Deceptive Staking System: The game offers a “Flexible Stake” with an advertised 136% APY. However, the daily earnings are locked within the in-game ecosystem, meaning they can only be withdrawn at a rate of 0.1% per day for secondary market sales. This severely limits liquidity, preventing players from realizing their supposed gains. Lack of Transparency & Sudden Adjustments: The developers have full control over game mechanics and frequently change token distribution and NFT cycles without warning, reducing expected earnings. There is no clear whitepaper or road map detailing the long-term sustainability of the game’s economy. Withdrawal Restrictions & Forced Depreciation: Even though players can earn tokens, withdrawal restrictions force them to either reinvest in the system or sell at a loss. The in-game economy forces users to exchange their tokens at unfavorable rates while insiders extract liquidity externally. Conclusion: Epic Ballad presents itself as a sustainable play-to-earn game but operates with clear Ponzi-like mechanics, extreme withdrawal restrictions, and constant manipulation of in-game token economics. New investors are lured into buying NFTs with the promise of high returns, but these returns decline over time, forcing further reinvestment while insiders cash out at better rates. The game’s model is designed to benefit the developers and early investors at the expense of regular players. Request: Investigate Epic Ballad for fraudulent activities, market manipulation, and unsustainable economic practices.

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Tron logo

Rug Pull Scam


Entrei no jogo por volta de 1 de Dezembro, por convite de um amigo que já estava há 90 dias no projeto, onde o mesmo vinha pagando há quase 1 ano e mascarava uma economia sustentável, que se mostrava inovadora e que fazia muito sentido até para os mais experientes. Aproximadamente 60 dias após minha entrada, em 03/02/2025, os saques foram abruptamente suspensos sob a justificativa de um suposto erro na conversão da moeda dentro do jogo. A equipe garantiu que o problema estava sendo corrigido e que tudo voltaria ao normal em breve. No dia 05/02/2025, anunciaram que 80% da correção já havia sido concluída e que, nos dias 6 ou 7, os saques seriam retomados. No entanto, em 06/02/2025, contrariando o anúncio anterior, a empresa divulgou um novo comunicado afirmando que os últimos 10% da correção eram mais complexos e exigiam a colaboração dos jogadores. Foi solicitado um depósito de exatamente 59,4 USDT para testes finais e desbloqueio dos ativos. Jogadores que não realizassem esse pagamento teriam suas contas congeladas e submetidas a uma correção que poderia levar pelo menos um mês. Algumas pessoas, talvez por desespero, ainda depositaram esse valor, na esperança de recuperar seus ativos, os ativos foram de fato descongelados mas as solicitações de retirada se mantiveram em análise eterna. Ontem, 07/02/2025, onde já havia total descrédito e aceitação do golpe, os últimos responsáveis, já depois da demissão de vários funcionários que não compactuavam com as atitudes da empresa, deletaram todos os grupos do jogo no Telegram, inclusive contas de gerentes de guilda, eliminando todo possível contato dos jogadores com a empresa.

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Tron logo
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Tron logo

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Rug Pull Scam


contas dentro do jogo congeladas e bloqueadas.

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Rug Pull Scam


On February 3, 2025, the Epic Ballad Rise of Heroes application forged an internal error, and claimed that it needed to correct this error, freezing all accounts, however, this was the beginning of the robbery they were planning, after which all users had their amounts frozen and it became impossible to withdraw any amount, thus characterizing itself as a rug pull fraud.

Reported Addresses and Domains
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Tron logo
Epic Ballad
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Reported Address
Tron logo
Epic Ballad

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Rug Pull Scam


Vi um vídeo no YouTube do jogo, onde o mesmo vinha pagando há quase meio ano e mascarava uma economia muito sustentável, que se mostrava inovadora e que fazia muito sentido até para os mais experientes. Aproximadamente 120 dias após minha entrada, no dia 03/02/2025 houve uma paralisação dos saques por um suposto erro de conversão da moeda dentro do jogo, mantiveram promessas que estavam consertando e que tudo voltaria ao normal, que já haviam consertado cerca de 80% do problema e que nos dias 6 ou 7 tudo estaria resolvido e poderíamos voltar a sacar normalmente (anúncio feito no dia 05/02/2025). No dia 06/02/2025, dia de esperança para muitos, fizeram um anúncio totalmente diferente do dia anterior, informando que para resolver os últimos 10% do problema havia uma complexidade ainda maior e requereria a colaboração dos jogadores, onde todos deveriam fazer um depósito de exatamente 59,4 USDT para testes finais e para descongelar os ativos dentro do jogo, quem não o fizesse teria sua conta congelada e submetida à correção durante pelo menos um mês. Algumas pessoas, talvez por desespero, ainda depositaram esse valor, na esperança de recuperar seus ativos, os ativos foram de fato descongelados mas as solicitações de retirada se mantiveram em análise eterna. Ontem, 07/02/2025, onde já havia total descrédito e aceitação do golpe, os últimos responsáveis, já depois da demissão de vários funcionários que não compactuavam com as atitudes da empresa, deletaram todos os grupos do jogo, inclusive contas de gerentes de guilda, extinguindo todo possível contato dos jogadores com a empresa. Aproximadamente 4400 dolares em depositos

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Rug Pull Scam


On February 3, 2025, the EPIC BALLAD RISE OF HEROES app froze all withdrawals from all users, claiming that an "internal error" (all lies) had happened in an adjustment of the EBC coin (app token). Since then, it has become impossible to withdraw, everyone's money has been stolen and many have taken losses of thousands of dollars. The EBC token began to have its MARKET CAP drastically reduced on February 6, 2025, clearly showing that they were liquidating the token on the secondary market.

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+ 5 more

Rug Pull Scam


Entrei no jogo por volta de 15 de janeiro à convite do meu marido, que já estava há 4 meses no jogo e o mesmo vinha pagando há quase 1 ano e mascarava uma economia muito sustentável, que se mostrava inovadora e que fazia muito sentido até para os mais experientes. Aproximadamente 15 dias após minha entrada, no dia 03/02/2025 houve uma paralisação dos saques por um suposto erro de conversão da moeda dentro do jogo, mantiveram promessas que estavam resolvendo e voltaria ao normal, que já haviam resolvido 90% do problema e que nos dias 6 ou 7 tudo estaria resolvido e poderíamos voltar a sacar normalmente (anúncio feito no dia 05/02/2025). No dia 06/02/2025, dia de esperança para muitos, fizeram um anúncio totalmente diferente do dia anterior, informando que para resolver os últimos 10% do problema havia uma complexidade ainda maior e requereria a colaboração dos jogadores, onde todos deveriam fazer um depósito de exatamente 59,4 USDT para testes finais e para descongelar os ativos dentro do jogo, quem não o fizesse teria sua conta congelada e submetida à correção durante pelo menos um mês. Algumas pessoas, talvez por desespero, ainda depositaram esse valor, na esperança de recuperar seus ativos, os ativos foram de fato descongelados mas as solicitações de retirada se mantiveram em análise eterna. Ontem, 07/02/2025, onde já havia total descrédito e aceitação do golpe, os últimos responsáveis, já depois da demissão de vários funcionários que não compactuavam com as atitudes da empresa, deletaram todos os grupos do jogo, inclusive contas de gerentes de guilda, extinguindo todo possível contato dos jogadores com a empresa. Peguei todas as txids, aproximadamente 6093 dólares depósitos. E postei isso em outras informaçoes relevantes. É uma quadrilha internacional que já agiu em outros países e que provavelmente irão agir novamente, são altamente profissionais, por isso que é de suma importância que as autoridades locais hajam para proteger suas nações. Eles selecionam os países alvo, que pela minha percepção estão em regiões mais vulneráveis e buscam pouca variação de idioma (nesse último caso espanhol e português como idioma nativo, em sua maioria), o que dificulta a informação dos relatos de outros países distantes já afetados. Várias pessoas que prestaram serviços à empresa são inocentes (do meu conhecimento no Brasil) e foram até bem mais lesados do que nós, recebendo ameaças contra a própria vida e de familiares por pessoas que perderam dinheiro no projeto, principalmente o Liffas e o Lyra, que apenas prestaram seus serviços com máxima dedicação. https://youtu.be/U3Y-g-lT9ME?si=H33kZ0d1fCV9DAAu

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Rug Pull Scam


I fell into a cryptocurrency scam, I invested $6450 USDT (stable coin), approximately, in a cell phone application called "Epic Ballad Rise of Heroes" that mined tokens called "Ebic Ballad Coins (EBCs)" daily. These ebcs tokens were converted into USDT that could be withdrawn. On 02/03/2025, it was planned to readjust the value of the ebc token within the game, readjusting the exchange rate from ebc to USDT. When making the adjustment, the company claimed that they adjusted it to a higher value than expected and then froze all withdrawals under the pretext that the exchange rate would be corrected and the exchanges made from ebc to USDT at the incorrect value would be readjusted. They undone the exchanges made in the incorrect amount and fixed the exchange value that was released, however all USDT and EBC withdrawals remained blocked. On 02/06/2025, EBCs tokens began to be liquidated on the secondary market, which led to a huge devaluation in the value of the token. On 02/07/2025 they deleted all Telegram groups, where communication was carried out and to this date withdrawals in the application/game remain blocked and the difference of 1607.1 USDT plus the promised profit shown in the account remains inaccessible.

Reported Addresses and Domains
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Tron logo
Epic Ballad
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Rug Pull Scam


I fell into a cryptocurrency scam, I invested 5086.54 USDT (stable coin) which is equivalent to $5086.54 (five thousand and eighty-six dollars and fifty-four cents) which is equivalent to R$29,500.00 (twenty-nine thousand and five hundred reais), approximately, in a cell phone application called "Epic Ballad Rise of Heroes" that mined tokens called "Ebic Ballad Coins (EBCs)" daily, I managed to withdraw 3479.44 USDT, leaving me with a deficit of 1607.1 USDT. These ebcs tokens were converted into USDT that could be withdrawn. On 02/03/2025, it was planned to readjust the value of the ebc token within the game, readjusting the exchange rate from ebc to USDT. When making the adjustment, the company claimed that they adjusted it to a higher value than expected and then froze all withdrawals under the pretext that the exchange rate would be corrected and the exchanges made from ebc to USDT at the incorrect value would be readjusted. They undone the exchanges made in the incorrect amount and fixed the exchange value that was released, however all USDT and EBC withdrawals remained blocked. On 02/06/2025, EBCs tokens began to be liquidated on the secondary market, which led to a huge devaluation in the value of the token. On 02/07/2025 they deleted all Telegram groups, where communication was carried out and to this date withdrawals in the application/game remain blocked and the difference of 1607.1 USDT plus the promised profit shown in the account remains inaccessible.

Reported Addresses and Domains
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Tron logo
Epic Ballad
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Rug Pull Scam


advance-fee scam (419) Short summary: fee to be paid to receive an inheritance Scammers name(s): Cheng Charlie Saephan, Bernard Morgan Email(s): chbernardchambers@live.comrnardchambers@live.com IPs: Time-frame: started 01/25/2025 IPs:, (South Africa)

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