909 Scam Reports

Romance Scam


Romance scam on meet me app

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Romance Scam


Meet me app romance scammer

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Romance Scam


This Instagram account (alia_.yang) posted a ig story about crypto and I messaged her if I could learn how to do it. She replied to me and tried to ask me if I wanted to do it. I said yes and she proceeded with the tokens on the 1inch app but didn’t tell about the app yet. She just told me how much money I wanted to drop and out the token values. when we finished with that, she only asked for my number and email. Once that happened she said she’d make a trading account for me so that I could registered into the company. she then asked me to Zelle my investment ($50) to a merchant account (name on Zelle is Aliea Davis and phone number is 240-796-2373). After I did she wanted a screen shot so I sent her my screen shot of sending the money. The next thing was that she told me to wait for the results in 3-4 hours and after that, told me that my investment was already doing great. she told me she already had a trading code for my trading account. She then told me to download this app and when I did, I copied the code she sent me and told me to used the code to paste on the watch wallet only button. After that it showed that I had made over $6,000. I told her if I could take out that money already and she said I could. she then also said that i would be getting the money. Couple hours later she then says that the merchant account has a tax withdrawal fee of $499 and 100% of the tax withdrawal fee would be refunded back. So I zelled another $499 to the Merchant account and then waited for the money to come to me. The next day, she texts me that my investment went up again and then asked me to delete the app and redownload it again. When I did, she gave me another code and told me to paste in the watch wallet only button. When I did and check, it said I make over $11,000. so I asked her if I could cash out or recieve the $11,000. she told me I could and I waited for couple of hours. Later she tells me that since I made over $11,000 I had to pay another tax withdrawal fee of $1,591. the person I was talking to helped me by paying $500 and then I would pay the rest ($1,091). After that I still waited for the money and they even sent me an email which looked sketchy and told me I’d be receiving $11,900. then she told me she would talk to the merchant account about it and then today (February 10th), she said that I needed to have $1500 in my bank in order to recieve the $11,900. So I just want to get my profit back and never do this again because I already knew it was a scam the moment they never game me my money.

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Romance Scam


I was recently the victim of a cryptocurrency investment scam worth nearly 400,000$ CAD. Context of the romance scam: single mother of three girls for two years, out of a toxic relationship. In Sept. 2024, I met a man on the Hinge platform, encouraged by my friends who encouraged me to try the experience again (to meet again). The discussions quickly moved to the WhatsApp platform where I exchanged in English for almost five months with this supposed Chinese named "Lin Ye". I have never seen him, neither in person nor online. I spoke to him twice on the phone and quickly realized that he spoke very little English (and no French at all). From what he told me, he is Chinese and lives between Ottawa and Vancouver (because his company is in this city). He had come to Canada 9 years ago to change his environment, following his divorce from his wife who had cheated on him during their marriage. During our conversations, he appeared to me to be very mature, trustworthy, very experienced, responsible, loyal, reassuring and having Asian values (a protective man who can bring you security and make you feel safe in a relationship, very family-oriented). His approach seduced me. Soon after, he started talking to me about his investments in "gold futures market". He later insisted that I learn to invest, but I refused his first too insistent attempts. I told him that I had neither the money nor the interest in investing, because I knew little about this field. Little by little, he was able to charm me with his willingness to prove his affection through his actions (rather than words). He wants to lighten my financial burden by helping me with what he knows best: investing in "gold futures market". To please him, I finally gave in to his desire to teach me how to invest and to make it a joint project (without sharing accounts, each has their own independent account). To obtain liquidity, I drew on my mortgage margin (I used all of it). The money was exchanged and converted into USDT via a "Bisti Foreign Exchange" store that sold cryptocurrency. All the amount was deposited in Trust Wallet on my account and was transferred to another site (without my knowledge) to invest (I thought everything was happening on the Trust Wallet platform, but I learned that it was false: https://web.saxabspro.com/profile). In the meantime, his father died and he had to return to China for the funeral. New nightmare: he was imprisoned for a case related to his father's death (someone took advantage of the situation and made a fake invoice. In order to avoid his mother being involved in his father's case and being investigated/imprisoned, he took all this responsibility on his shoulders). Anyway, when I wanted to help him out of this impasse (I informed him of my wish to convert USDT to CAD $), I discovered that I could not make any transactions on the website web.saxabspro.com and that my money was not in Trust Wallet. He quickly blocked me on WhatsApp on Feb 5, 2025.

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Romance Scam


I met Alex Lee on Hinge social app in around the first week of September 2022. He told me he was a crypto investor. He shared his phone number and to continue on WhatsApp (his phone number on WhatsApp is 415-735-4205) He said he could help me financially and made with my business since we all struggled during the pandemic. He said he can help me with short term investments. He said I could do it through metamask app. Which I downloaded. He said to open up a browser in the metamask app and put in https://www.foxtradings.com/, I first deposited 1500 to trade from my Coinbase using Bitcoin. I made 3 trades and made a return from my investments and was able to take out the money and put it back into my Coinbase. He said to make more I would have to deposit more. I deposit 30,000. He said that he would deposit 200,000 if I could get an extra 100,000. So I deposited an extra 100,000. He deposited 200,000 into my metamask account. I made some invested and made profit. He said if I put another 100,000 I could make more. Which I did. I wanted to see if I could removed the money to see if I could transfer a large amount back into my coinbase account. After this I made a profit and wanted to remove everything since I made enough. When I tried to do this, I was contacted by customer service through the browser on metamask that to withdraw my money I had to first pay a tax of 37,000 based on the 188,000 profit I made on trading. At this point I have 602,000 in my metamask account. I told that I dont have the money for the tax and they said it is frozen until I pay the tax. These are the transactions from my wallet from Coinbase to his account through metamask browser.

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Romance Scam


Scammer. Dont trust and send any tokens

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Romance Scam


Met the scammer on Bumble. It was a verified account. Photos were taken in SF. He claimed to live near Castro. After 3-4 months of chatting, he offered to help me make money on crypto. I was caring for my mom, going through a difficult financial situation, and needed money. I was traveling and it wasn’t working in the destination. When I got back to SF he offered to help. It started with 100$, then $200 to make me comfortable. then $1000. I sent the money back and forth to my account. He offered to start small and when I’m confident I can add more. We bought the currency on Coinbase and transferred to the app.intcryptic.com which was a scam website. At some point, I transferred $10k back to my Coinbase wallet. It made me more confident. I added all my savings. And then the website was gone. Disappeared. I texted Dennis who got back to me that he will check and get back to me. And that was it. Nov 11, 2023

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For security reasons and to protect investigations, this report is currently only shared with Law Enforcement Partners.

Romance Scam

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce pellentesque vulputate iaculis. Integer lacus sapien, auctor quis nisi non, pulvinar accumsan ligula. Vivamus quis odio ut est iaculis lobortis ut eu leo. Nam mattis varius gravida. Vivamus aliquet vestibulum ex et rutrum. Mauris eu tempor mi, ac porttitor magna. Etiam id fermentum orci, et malesuada lacus. Morbi facilisis malesuada hendrerit. Fusce eu magna auctor, fringilla libero eget, sodales elit.

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Romance Scam


I am quite new to the world of cryptocurrency, I always wanted to try it. The opportunity arose, and at the same time this post caught my eye - https://t.me/c/2015548908/2989 . I decided to try it, spent $ 100 (part of which went to commissions), swapped Ethereum for the QUAI Network token via Uniswap, and later realized that it was a honeypot and a scam. It's my own fault, I didn't conduct my own research due to my newbie experience. The scammer's telegram channel itself is designed quite convincingly and initially did not have the scam label, not to mention the fact that he makes fakes about real projects like QUAI Network

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Romance Scam


About Internet Scammer Aizada Honey, Did you receive my naked videos in the last letter? Did you like it? I hope you appreciated this! I promise! that I will come to you secretly, if you are afraid that someone will find out about me. I will be your secret. I won't bother you We will meet only at a convenient time for you! Just help me! And remember the main thing - I'm not asking for a gift! I will refund your money because I will work. I want to provide for myself. I don't want you to think that I'm only interested in money! And finally, tell the truth, will you be able to send money before 1 February (Thursday). Can I rely on you? Only the truth. You can send me $360 via any of these payment methods - MoneyGram or Western Union or KoronaPay. To do this, you only need my full name - AIZADA SAUGABAYEVA. And my address is - Adilet street 3, poselok(village) Torgai, Zhangeldy district, Kostanay region, 110600(zip code), Kazakhstan(?ountry). my phone; +77020248643 Or Use my bank account. I remind you that I need $360. If you want to send money in dollars, then use this account- KZ18 6010 0020 3892 1184. Bank name – Halyk Bank. The bank is located in the city - URALSK. Swift Code Bank is HSBKKZKX. The account is opened in my full name – AIZADA SAUGABAYEVA. Or send money in euros (that would be 340 euros) to this account – KZ88 6010 0020 3892 1185. Bank name – Halyk Bank. The bank is located in the city - URALSK. Swift Code Bank is HSBKKZKX. The account is opened in my full name – AIZADA SAUGABAYEVA. The bank also provided me with a free plastic card. You can send money directly to the card. My card number is 4405 6397 8709 5767 01/29. Or the most convenient way for me if you send money to my bitcoin wallet Do you know what Bitcoins are? This is a very convenient electronic money. You can send money to me without leaving your home. If you don't have your wallet, then you can create this wallet on your smartphone or computer. You only need to install the application - Here you can both buy and send bitcoin. You can also send money through an ATM. You can see where the closest one to you is here - Through an ATM, you can send money in cash or use a credit card. I have also attached a qrcode. This is my wallet code. This will make it even easier for you to transfer money. Just scan it. Aizada.

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Romance Scam


She tried me on meeting dating app

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Romance Scam


It was Fake cryptocurrency websites. We met on Tinder. After some time, the scammer convinced me to invest on a fake site, at that time I did not know that it was his site. A large sum was transferred there from his side as “help” for “training” in investing. And after some time, in order to withdraw his funds, it was necessary to transfer the same amount to this site from my side, and then even more, since “taxes” were invented that had to be paid before withdrawing all funds from this site. As a result, the site and the money disappeared.

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For security reasons and to protect investigations, this report is currently only shared with Law Enforcement Partners.

Romance Scam

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce pellentesque vulputate iaculis. Integer lacus sapien, auctor quis nisi non, pulvinar accumsan ligula. Vivamus quis odio ut est iaculis lobortis ut eu leo. Nam mattis varius gravida. Vivamus aliquet vestibulum ex et rutrum. Mauris eu tempor mi, ac porttitor magna. Etiam id fermentum orci, et malesuada lacus. Morbi facilisis malesuada hendrerit. Fusce eu magna auctor, fringilla libero eget, sodales elit.

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Romance Scam


He says he in the U.S. Army. I believed him. He would send me different bitcoin addresses to use because he said Bitcoin makes you change addresses so often. He has multiple bitcoin addresses. I know him as Michael Cornelis. The only way we message is through iMessage now mikej4410185@gmail.com He calls me on zangi app 1070111966 that’s the number through that app and this one 1018558974 He said that he bank account is frozen and they said wait 60 days or something. picture of black man appeared with the name Babatope Oluwanefemi. He said someone hacked his phone. That’s not him. Then the name changed from whatever that name is to Mike Corneli. In the one year pay pal account got shut down, cash app, Apple Cash. I asked him what did he do. Why are all these people sending money to him. He said it was commanders family and friends. And people he knows too. Cause his friend owes him money. Out of my money is 25,000. I’m sure all these people that sent money to my cash app so I do bitcoin are victims now The ones to my PayPal and Apple Cash. I learned a so much in the past day. I confronted him and he blocked me. I lost so much. I am so stupid. I am so embarrassed. And upset.

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Romance Scam


Subject: Fraudulent Bitcoin Transaction – Romance Scam I was deceived by an individual who manipulated me into sending Bitcoin under false pretenses. He convinced me that he was in a financial emergency and needed urgent help. I sent Bitcoin using Wealthsimple, but I later discovered that everything he told me was a lie. Transaction details: • Bitcoin Wallet Address: 1MQVBonMco3rb4CymeAJsgH1Zy2UHK9PQw y I am reporting this so this address can be flagged and to prevent others from falling victim. Please investigate. Thank you.

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