6 Scam Reports

Other Investment Scam


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Other Investment Scam


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Other Investment Scam


This site is not affiliated with Uniswap Labs in New York. I have been unable to determine where the website is located. They only other information I was able to extract is, in reference to the website, is “Unispool is the website for the uniswap liquidity pool.” I cannot track down Unispool. I registered on this platform in August 2022 and built up a balance through the liquidity pool and futures trading in USDT of 372,688. In late 2022 I attempted to withdraw a large sum, and I was informed that my account had been suspended for security reasons and required “verification.” The reasons for the suspension were two, (1) the fact that I had used three different crypto platforms to build up my stake (before finally settling on the third); and (2) the fact that I was not using a personal wallet (which was due to my inexperience). I was also told that “For the security of your account, you need to verify your account by depositing 50% of the total funds in your account, i.e. $186,344.6.” The deposit was onerous but I complied. I set up a personal wallet and got confirmation that it was satisfactory. In December 2022 and early January 2023 I deposited a grand total of $187,620. When I inquired about lifting the suspension, I was told that “verification” had failed because I had not submitted $186,344. System verification was “automatic” and since I had not deposited $186,344 the new deposit was added to the account balance. Since the new balance was now $560,289, I had to deposit 50%, that is, $280,144 in order to verify the account and lift the suspension. The demand for an additional deposit is absurd, and I was never explicitly told at the outset, as quoted above, that I had to deposit $186,344 to the penny to “verify” the account. The fact that I deposited more than requested was a reasonable interpretation on my part that that I had to deposit at least $186,344 to satisfy verification. That I deposited somewhat more still factually provided the requested $186,344. To continue the suspension and to demand yet more money is out and out extortion. I have been told “this is an automatic verification by the system. I also told you to complete the account verification according to the matching account ratio.” As per the quote above, I was not told that I had to verify in the words “according to the matching amount ratio.” The demand is blatantly unfair and suspicious, given the amount of money I have deposited on the site. Uniswap.homes is hiding behind the excuse of automatic verification by their system. I understand that such a crypto site is both decentralized and automated, however, this system was built by humans and to claim it is now beyond human intervention is flatly unbelievable.

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Other Investment Scam


I have made a police report back in August 2021 in Australia in regards of a cryptocurrency investment fraud case In usdt the amount was 590000 usdt In Australian currency $785000. Aud It was a fake investment platform, which is still used today under different website names pay998877.top lyqqvip8 virtoken.top These where the cryptocurrency wallet that was involved with the case USDT TRC20 TWCgUqV9wSdbezncoVt1ZAg8jb1bfzJ5ra TYkwX5FggAcTpbqB742wc8iU5kBoK1vXdC TX7XfKyjkLkZTSrqB8DnFA7AsGZWJ5FzsC TTpG4RAWYJThk68ZqxZmpX4W76MKJ2W8iC I have done a quick search for where the is multiple exchange platform for the scammer has sent the money to If there is any more information required please get back to me support@chainabuse.com I have noticed that the scammer has sent the funds to Exchange platform below * Huobi * binance * Okex 1 * GATE * Binance-Hot

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Other Investment Scam


Website is a crypto trading platform. Person contacted me via twitter DM's offering a trading bot offer, with a minimum of $500 needed. Additional addresses that belong to this website: DOGE - DEUtkrPxnerY9xXH85VgBeLh9idkfMJ4Dx XRP - rPWSV6XxZJj8b3Xt2dAkwwBpKxfyBpXTCm LUNA - terra1ataaz67cvamhkmy4ycr6gryevpx3ll0jqrmd5q

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