1450 Scam Reports

Fake Project Scam


The couple, residing in Slovakia, run an international crypto fraud operation. The wife, under the alias "Emilie Pretzker", falsely claims to be associated with the Pritzker family (Hyatt Group) and pretends to be a California resident. She presented a fake California driver's license with a Beverly Hills celebrity address. The husband appears to be the mastermind, assisting in laundering stolen funds. They use video calls from Slovakia, claiming to be in California. They use their young daughter, Angela, to gain victims' trust. The couple was last seen at Grand Hotel Kempinski High Tatras, Slovakia, on December 31, 2024, celebrating New Year's Eve. Hotel details: Address: Grand Hotel Kempinski High Tatras, Kúpeľna 6, Štrba - Štrbské Pleso, 059 85, Slovakia Contact: +421 52 3262 222 | reservations.hightatras@kempinski.com Fraudulent Claims & Criminal Activity The fraudsters lure victims via social media and professional networking sites (e.g., LinkedIn Premium). "Emilie Pretzker" claimed to be conducting philanthropy for Hyatt Group. She convinced me to transfer $216,000 USD in USDT crypto to a fake SFOCL trading account. She claimed to invest her own $150,000 USD, which turned out to be fake. Upon transfer, the SFOCL website confiscated the funds under the false pretext of "money laundering." Their real wallet still holds $101,500 USD of my stolen funds. The scammers continue withdrawing small amounts daily. Transaction Details & Crypto Wallets as below : On-Chain Crypto Wallet ($22,000 USD) To Wallet: 0xa2a8737e8f6651F75830E2462540dBFb4854A4Dd Transaction ID: 0x351268a05cfc0c64f2820601c9db5ebcfdea53a54ce2fe19efb4db30d5490f19 Coinbase Wallet ($193,500 USD) To: 0x382e06080a12c83cbe8c715ae93e84e01badf7c6 Transaction ID: 0xff318a144a78023aba7ff7c54bf6e05f748583064eac53c702f3a66ec8e830d9  Fraudster’s Contact Details Alias: Emilie Pretzker VOIP (Twilio Europe) Number: (415) 941-9271 Emails: emilie1985719@gmail.com LinkedIn Profile Email: evonraymondonome@gmail.com Tracking Information & Recent Locations Grand Hotel Kempinski High Tatras, Slovakia (December 31, 2024 – Early 2025) Puerto Banus, Spain Amsterdam, Netherlands Slovakia (suspected base of operations) Request for Action I request an immediate investigation into this crypto scam.

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SFOCL Trading Fraud
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SFOCL Trading Fraud
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SFOCL Trading Fraud

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Fake Project Scam


This is the agent of Solomon Investments CH https://www.solomon-investments.ch/ Bradley Mayor their CMO was our main person Their CEO David Savoino signed this They agreed to fund our venture equity agreement for $3M-$5M through one of their wealth management clients This was a commission agreement to cover the transaction This agreement required ”Proof of Crypto and Payment Condition” for the commission payment. Not actual payment, but only PROOF •They steered us to their lawyer Eric who we started working with •He was contracted to proof that we had $100K and could move it privately and securely from our own wallet that we controlled to another wallet that we controlled•He was the scammer on their behalf Its all in the attachment I provided and the WhatsApps messages

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Fake using .ETH
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Fake Project Scam


stolen my solanas

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Fake Project Scam


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Hiermit wende ich mich an Sie. Weil ich glaube, dass ich um mein Geld betrügen würde. Ich habe mich auf der Plattform von Twaao angemeldet und den Zertifikaten vertraut, die sie im September 2024 erhalten haben. Der Kundenservice hat mein Geld in Euro von meinem Konto auf das USDT-Shop-Konto überweisen lassen, so dass es auf dem Twaao-Konto ankommt, das dort anscheinend auch angekommen ist. Anfangs war das Trading für mich als Anfänger unscheinbar, mit Gewinnen und Verlusten, bis der "Professor" aus der WhatsApp-Gruppe und "Twaao-Mitarbeiter" Paul Wilson auf die ICO-Projekte zukam und diese als risikofreie Investition vorschlug. Das Problem war, dass die Allokation der "Token" dann so hoch war, dass ich gezwungen war, neues Kapital auszugeben, um diese "Token" bezahlen zu können. Nun möchte ich mir natürlich einen Teil der Gewinne auszahlen lassen. Aber der Auszahlungsbetrag wurde eingefroren und ich wurde tagelang vertröstet. Ich habe also das Gefühl, dass auf den letzten Verkauf der "Token" gewartet wird, um alles einfrieren und verschwinden zu können. Warum sich mein Verdacht jetzt verfestigt, dass es sich um Betrug handelt, ist diese WhatsApp-Gruppe. Sie können keine einzige Nummer anrufen, einige Telefonnummern existieren nicht einmal, einige Telefonnummern haben die gleiche englische Ansage und einige Telefonnummern sind einfach nicht erreichbar. Es handelt sich hier also sicherlich um Identitätsdiebstahl. Ich möchte Sie nun bitten, diese Tatsache zu prüfen. Denn ich habe insgesamt 145200 € eingezahlt, also einen Verlust durch diesen Betrug gemacht und möchte zumindest diesen zurückhaben. Was ich auch will, ist, dass diese Leute aus dem Verkehr gezogen werden, die nur mit Betrug hinter dem Geld anderer her sind.

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Fake Project Scam


I've save token 146.7 token from wallet connect airdrop before 130 days ago maybe but I've not seen my token in mu address of wallet

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Fake Project Scam


Someone called Lisa accidently contacted me in telegram asking how i am, after i told her i don't know her she just said so lets get to know each other after a few days chatting (she says she's originally from china living in London) she said she works in an office and investing in crypto. She told me how to open a Trust Wallet and connected me to a project where you could get a profit every day. She said I needed initially 300 USDT and when I was short of it, she even "helped" me with a few dollars. So i was connected to that welfare program and my amount was growing. Every few days she would ask what about the crypto and how was i thinking to grow the profit. and then after a few weeks she told me about the smart contract for 10000 USDT. luckily I didn't have the amount, I asked to extend the end date with one week, and after that I still couldn't see how i will raise more money (I had "only 3790" USDT in the contract) and even offered to help me. But than i got suspicious and from writing with ChatGPT he helped me to find out how to know this is fraud. But I am still chatting with her as if I want to invest more, in the hope to get the money back Ah, and by the way I don't think it's a she, it's probably a man, somewhere in China

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For security reasons and to protect investigations, this report is currently only shared with Law Enforcement Partners.

Fake Project Scam

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce pellentesque vulputate iaculis. Integer lacus sapien, auctor quis nisi non, pulvinar accumsan ligula. Vivamus quis odio ut est iaculis lobortis ut eu leo. Nam mattis varius gravida. Vivamus aliquet vestibulum ex et rutrum. Mauris eu tempor mi, ac porttitor magna. Etiam id fermentum orci, et malesuada lacus. Morbi facilisis malesuada hendrerit. Fusce eu magna auctor, fringilla libero eget, sodales elit.

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Fake Project Scam


Fake trader, he or She Copy a famous tiktok trader

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+ 3 more

Fake Project Scam


I recently fell victim to a scam after following a YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42Zgw4vckfw&t=327s that claimed to implement an auto-trading bot using Remix Ethereum. The video showed how to deploy a smart contract that was supposed to generate automatic profits over time. Following the instructions, I sent ETH to a provided address, expecting the promised returns to appear within a few hours. However, after waiting, I realized that nothing happened, and my funds were lost. I now understand that this was a scam.

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For security reasons and to protect investigations, this report is currently only shared with Law Enforcement Partners.

Fake Project Scam

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce pellentesque vulputate iaculis. Integer lacus sapien, auctor quis nisi non, pulvinar accumsan ligula. Vivamus quis odio ut est iaculis lobortis ut eu leo. Nam mattis varius gravida. Vivamus aliquet vestibulum ex et rutrum. Mauris eu tempor mi, ac porttitor magna. Etiam id fermentum orci, et malesuada lacus. Morbi facilisis malesuada hendrerit. Fusce eu magna auctor, fringilla libero eget, sodales elit.

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Fake Project Scam


5zoJh4c9wKmpx7MYYm7M3ZhQX9Bo8WbqFcr5tLhy5jGYGLt8n67yTeNQdzDfQECRXCjg1MmP79LSyyQrT5XXskp solana signature of the transaction

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Fake Project Scam


Hey i was in a telegram signals channel, the owner which i am reporting for the scam said that if i invest he would trade with that money and get me profits turns now he apparently kicked me from the group and deleted all our messages and blocked me on telegram.

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Fake Project Scam


Where can I complain about the wallet and all his fake transfers? The man opens his coin, advertises everywhere (commission on the sale of 100%) and promises listing on baybit, has already been fraudulently received $ 200000, I through your web3 I was also cheated on $ 3000. His wallet is 0xD66DCAcF9b19afa067Fe39c76a211dF6b0C64f1C. And his contract is 0xe0e763d58d376724e74cc9bbd1592c172618fd56.

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Fake Project Scam


He has prime bull market trading platform i joined the discord but i was stupid to resister and started to invest with this. sent to driver license as well. they only accept crypto or apple gift card but only physical one. and truck people

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Fake Project Scam


I saw a sponsored youtube video and clicked on it and saw a youtuber (AI avatar now I'm guessing?) going through how to do a sniper bot with detailed instructions. I followed them and when I realised the ocntract wasn't working, was told I had been scammed.

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