490 Scam Reports

Contract Exploit Scam


The scammer stole my Metamask wallet private key and then stole all my assets

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Contract Exploit Scam


Hi guys. I'm honestly having a breakdown right now. Believe me, I'm aware of those honeypot scams. I usually try my best to buy and sell a token first with a super small amount (2 usd as shown) before I completely invest. For some reason, after fully investing my amount, I wasn't able to transfer / sell already my coin. I'm really begging for any help that can be provided to me. 180 usd might be small to you guys but this is really hard-earned money by me. I spent days and weeks just to earn that. I don't know how the scammers did it but I just can't do anything as of the moment. It keeps failing when I transfer it (internal json error), also fails when I try to sell it. I really hope you guys can help me. I'm seriously begging for anyone.

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Contract Exploit Scam


After purchasing, I am completely unable to transfer or swap these tokens. I have attempted to send both of these tokens to myself from Metamask to Metamask, or MM to Trust, no avail. Using KyberSwap and Uniswap throws JSON-RPC errors within Metamask. Inspecting these contracts, there's some suspicious details. They both have copy/pasted implementations which are broken: The _transfer function: The _transfer function internally calls the dfggeee function, which in turn calls the _base100 function of the GsRFGRRjsd interface. However, the implementation of this interface is not provided in the contract code. Without knowing what the _base100 function does, it's difficult to determine if it could introduce any issues during token transfers. The dfggeee function is called with the from address, the to address (converted using getsssferucko(_sdf33u)), and the amount. The _sdf33u variable is derived from the to address using uint(uint160(to)). This conversion and passing of addresses to an unknown external function (_base100) could potentially lead to unexpected behavior or vulnerabilities. Balance manipulation: After calling the dfggeee function, the _transfer function performs a suspicious balance manipulation: solidityCopy codeuint256 fromBalance =10000 + xsdf45 -10000; The xsdf45 variable is obtained from the dfggeee function, but its purpose is unclear. Adding and subtracting 10000 seems arbitrary and could potentially manipulate the token balances in unexpected ways.

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DOGE (Base)
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Contract Exploit Scam


Someone, somehow gained access to my Metamask wallet, then my AAVE Token and ETH Token have been taken out from the AAVE protocol, have been swapped to USDT and have been sent to the scammers address.

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Contract Exploit Scam


Saw a whitelisting message for a project called masked on Twitter In the replies there was an account using the same name as the project side and with a lot of followers, posting a registration whitelisting address I connected to this site and all my DEGEN was stolen.

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Contract Exploit Scam


Beluga Dex is a fork of Wombat / Platypus that, as early of October 2023, was running on Arbitrum and had above USD300k of TVL. The protocol had three pools: - a USDC/USDT/DAI pool - an overnight pool DAI+/USD+/USDC - a LST pool Around July 2023, the team started to disappear from all social media (Discord, Telegram) Exploit #1: On October 13th, the USDC/USDT/DAI “Beluga Dex” protocol was exploited for USD175k worth of stables (USDT, USDC, DAI). The dev team did not react or communicate. https://arbiscan.io/tx/0x57c96e320a3b885fabd95dd476d43c0d0fb10500d940d9594d4a458471a87abe However, right after the hack was made public, the deployer froze the protocol, including the Overnight and LST pools that were NOT exploited. There is very strong belief, supported by on-chain behaviour, that the protocol was hacked by the developing team themselves, but didn’t drain all pools to make it look like the hack was coming from a third party. Exploit #2: After this, the contracts have been updated by the deployer, creating a fishing for all assets that had been previously approved by the users. For instant the modified contract “fished” this wallet for circa 20 wstETH in early February 2024 as seen on this transaction: https://arbiscan.io/tx/0xe317b70ed1c43bbcb2cfd4f574605975850b884e8a6e8c9fb741e5e8da617151 What is interesting is that this hacker wallet has been funded with ETH tokens to execute the contracts by this wallet: https://arbiscan.io/address/0xaec726ffd9fd3fbd2a08a452125e4caeb5d0c4d2 This wallet itself has been funded ETH and had multiple interaction with this wallet https://arbiscan.io/address/0x3842f081d592ee512cd5a4556a64fc3bca666e8c. Below are a couple of transactions between both wallet: - https://arbiscan.io/tx/0xa593b1c1d7bd55ac1cfa386200c753e1d01c7a39af12de993d2fbc6c62eafce1 - https://arbiscan.io/tx/0x2c97ec4e22c8c9eec134e57a87f87a707299b1b983356b9c596e81d213f2017d - https://arbiscan.io/tx/0x13b0ce7a94bfb3902f43b20fbf47e965462da6fd586519c2684bc71ab6668b33 This particular wallet has laundered money with with Tornado Cash, has been sending a significant amount Beluga protocol $BELA Tokens ($379k worth of transactions) in and out, and given the volume of exchanges of BELA tokens, seems to one of the dev wallet as being associated with the contract deployer of the protocol. Some of the proceeds generated by this very likely “dev wallet” have been sent to this wallet https://arbiscan.io/address/0xb23eb0e1b93551e1c652351cddac51c3ceae3e28 and then sent to Binance over smaller transactions as USDC or USDT such as: - https://arbiscan.io/tx/0xe79273b16bd442975b035fdcbb70e29a2f147f2ccfc18c9f5a7b4431e2a27354 - https://arbiscan.io/tx/0x965be2ac4794e260d3a58c8a7a94ce0d9a4a9e13f905510246221f42976e6045

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Contract Exploit Scam


Money was supposed to be transferred to me with putting 210 to unlock funds.

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Contract Exploit Scam


I opened the Uniswap SPCT Reward Token website. There I scanned the QR code and that was it. It was all over in 7 seconds. Lost 155k SPCT. I can't believe it's made so easy for thieves.

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Contract Exploit Scam


I found Jeffs video on youtube where he creates a step by step guide on how to create a trading bot on Remix. I followed his guide and after first contract was created, I was not able to withdraw funds from the contract as it was done on the video. I contacted him on X.com and he said that code was wrong but he edited it and I should try to deploy new contract with correct code. Stupidly I listned to him and created new contract which also didnt work as intended and took my money. Finally he said that he can help and reverse the contract if I create a new contract at which stage I thought it was strange to reverse blockchain transaction so I did research and realised he was a scammer. Here is code for trading bot - https://rentry.co/pc5x6vob/raw Code for a transaction reversal - https://rentry.co/ryforxw7/raw?s=08

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Contract Exploit Scam


Malicious contract that prevented anyone to sell except the holder. He kept everything in his wallet... 8ETH in total. https://tokensniffer.com/token/eth/bbo2j65sv5h019cgzxjgb900n20eml0nxv8q5bjnelxvk2aisng543viznfa https://etherscan.io/address/0x95Bf17b048D917E50468871Ed926D3494C0Cbeb0

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Contract Exploit Scam


Funds deposited into Metamask from Binance did not reflect in Metamask account. Following transaction indicated that is was withdrawn before it even arrived and sent to the following account: 0x1717ad39d4cE7dD7ff8fE2B4ee0d8BFf7e0D9819 How is this possible?

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Contract Exploit Scam


Hackers drained almost 500 wallet in just a sec instantly

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Contract Exploit Scam


probably after clicking on a fake website on X account looks similar to the Manta Pacific real website. After that, I need to connect my Metamask wallet to claim my Stone tokens... My wallet got drained and all STONE tokens were gone. Other people on X had the same situation I found out later..The fake X account has been suspended.( @ethrr_fi) This is another victim of X @lisboa_misaelthe

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Manta Pacific network

Contract Exploit Scam


probably after clicking on a fake website on X account looks similar to Manta pacific real website. After that, I need to connect my Metamask wallet to claim my Stone tokens... My wallet got drained and all STONE tokens were gone. Other people on X had the same situation I found out later..The fake X account has been suspended.( @ethrr_fi) This is another victim of X @lisboa_misael

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Manta Pacific network
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Manta Pacific network

Contract Exploit Scam


I was trying to buy LETIT token , connected my meta wallet but amount 50.64 USDT was transferred to 0x167952f642ecF0F8879B3681880F6856414a1D1e . after some time I transferred 31.73 usdt from binance to metamask wallet, but it was auto sent to this wallet again. Now I see that this wallet has sent transaction hash 0x9697f48dfb14a434b95427fd178f8719ef7df97b4703e1ce26e717550fe1da86 for amount 446.83 to address 0x9385C4dC93Dc138F26d3aab62e4074B528E7128d ( 50.67+ 30.73 ) + 364.42 ( of another transaction hash 0x59dd1b91ec8362ed822f83fe7f3b255d686ca8c3c465d1f05084d369a56b3c08) .

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