597 Scam Reports

Contract Exploit Scam


I purchased MOG CAT coin from Uniswap. The contract address that was copied from Uniswap on the page. The coin is listed with a contract that goes to a dead wallet and doesn’t match Etherscans contract address for this coin. This is in detectable when you copy the address from the Uniswap page. When I tried to swap the coin in my Coinbase wallet, I went to check transaction funds to do the swap and when I went back, it depleted all of my coins and sent them to a dead wallet. As a result, all of my coins were stolen.

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Contract Exploit Scam


Un grupo de crimen organizado capta la dirección pública de una persona de la tercera edad. Le realizan un envío de un token USDT falso: Hash de transacción: 0xa0bb88fb373ab5e9a29ea05080710cbee1066861e61e23760bf6c027e96f005f Analizando la billetera del estafador: 0xc08D4d1394A755385774b4b3dE60155AbEF6d731 Detectamos misma operativa con otras víctimas mediante dos tokens SCAM creados para suplantar la identidad de criptoactivos con gran capitalización de mercado. SCAM-BTC-Contract: (212 Holders) 0x622CBcFf9Ae82F3c964A90337374120975C53A02 SCAM-USDT-Contract: (202 Holders) 0x6dDEb5340A20aC5cD53beb733d579a8b83270691 Transacción dónde empieza la suplantación de identidad. https://etherscan.io/tx/0xa0bb88fb373ab5e9a29ea05080710cbee1066861e61e23760bf6c027e96f005f A continuación, los estafadores se ponen en contacto con la víctima mediante varios canales de comunicación como correo electrónico, whatsapp y redes sociales. Intentando suplantar identidades de Exchange, órganos reguladores de mercado, y especialistas en Blockchain. Intentando convencerle de que tiene 94mil ~$ y tiene que realizar un envío de dinero para pagar impuestos y poder reclamar ese dinero falso. Afortunadamente, hemos podido evitar que la víctima perdiera dinero. Si te sucede una situación similar; bajo ningún concepto actúes. Jamás un experto blockchain, la CNMV o un exchange se pondrá en contacto contigo mediante mensaje privado en redes sociales ni canales de comunicación públicos. Advertencia: Revisa detenidamente el contrato de los tokens en tu billetera para que no te suceda algo similar, fijarte en la cantidad de Holders que tiene y sobretodo. Infórmate bien de la red en la que se opera el token nativo y original. De igual forma, normalmente los exploradores de cadenas tarde o temprano identifican estos tokens SCAM y lo categorizan con un mensaje de advertencia que no tienes que dejar pasar desapercibido. " This is a fake USDT token. Please exercise caution when interacting with it."

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Ethereum logo

Contract Exploit Scam


(Calling businesses and demanding money for a shipment./ You are going to go to a Bitcoin Depot ATM locations this is the number you are going to use 616-236-8741 the pin number it's#1234

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Contract Exploit Scam


I have been exposed to a crypto scam. This morning my metamask wallet got compromised and got my funds stolen from my Metamask, 35+eth in total which equate to $97k, which is literally all I have. Upon checking the transactions, the eth kept on being sent to wallets till it reached a Bitstamp wallet , and checking the activity, this wallet has been draining other wallets. Here is the trail: My wallet: https://etherscan.io/address/0x410a0E45139653CeaEAAA237E70f3d139EDa7CfF Hash of the transfer from my wallet to the first scam wallet: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x96461e1d809cd1c4ada0956aade9979c6d71efed38264883d36076136c35a630 The next wallet the scammer sent the tokens to: https://etherscan.io/address/0xc4f98eaf24707ff2c2aeed5ddd02740e8831c116 The next wallet: https://etherscan.io/address/0xcd36d5fd321ea3c26afd26993a28c1ff8c54524b The next wallet: https://etherscan.io/address/0x8586ed77fc29787b28c268f389eb0f9235e3b2e4 The final transaction which he sent the tokens to bitstamp wallets: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x424da6a34cfd161d2d483155da08ef7f621d5bd4a68a6132fee689ddc3d6d1d4 I have contacted metamask and bitstamp on the matter. I would highly appreciate if you can help me recover the funds. I also want to use this report as a proof of that I contacted BitStamp and urged them many many times to halt the scammer's wallet activity so that he cannot move the funds out and we get to know his identity, as BitStamp is a KYC'd company. However till now I did not get a confirmation that this has happened, and everytime I call them they say the case is with security and they will get back to me ASAP. I know for a fact that the second the scammer removes his funds out of BitStamp, there is no way of recovering the funds, so it is really in BitStamp's hands now to reverse this catastrophe. If they do take long enough for the scammer to run away I am going to sue them and use this report as proof.

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scam wallet 1
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scam wallet 2
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Contract Exploit Scam


The scammer advertises a video on Youtube that helps create passive income in the form of creating a contract that will use a sniping strategy to earn Ethereum. The video explains the steps in creating, deploying, and funding the contract. In the description of the video, the scammer provides the code to create the contract for convenience of the viewers. Once funds have been transferred to the created contract, they cannot be moved by the contract creator. This was cleverly written in the code that the scammer provided in the description of the video. The trigger of the scam is when the victim realizes that their contract isn't working as it was advertised and a withdrawal of their funds is attempted. Withdrawal of funds from the contract is successful. However, the funds are deposited into another account (0x38dB399f0CF3dAc9eE6370Eac0404FA92Db69f22) instead of the account that funded the contract. This was also cleverly written in the code that the scammer provided. After some time, the scammer moves the accumulated funds through multiple accounts until it reaches the address 0xF88198611Bb3E570f7A084079b3440379252E535.

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Contract Exploit Scam


im send sands from binance to external wallet and 1sec late automaticali resended to this scammer idk how but mybe u can block this guy

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Ethereum logo

Contract Exploit Scam


This account on LinkedIn messaged me regarding development opportunities, however was actually malicious and sent over malware that resulted in the loss of 30 ETH / $72,000. LinkedIn Profile of the Hacker - https://www.linkedin.com/in/bradley-dorr-2889711a These accounts sent out the same messages about working on DEX platform, which turned out to be malicious software / malware that compromised MetaMask wallets. Another LinkedIn Profile (sending identical messages) https://uk.linkedin.com/in/tim-shoben Telegram Handle - @FutureMaker555 Bitbucket of the hack - https://bitbucket.org/future_maker/tradingview/src/main/ Funds stolen from - ETH Address 0x324D9c68CDfFF092dF515075989a2a1A06417Ba3 Transaction ID - (17.66 ETH ~ $43,000) on 10/3/2024 0x56a19ee4cf60b222dc4ec2a66c680f12c8f17c10ce16c9e66c8856d7fa037016 Additional funds stolen from second ETH Address - 0x904065bA663879DEb7E5F902220E7DB97CBF04Af Transaction ID - (12.59 ETH ~ $30,600) on 10/3/2024 0x7bb6331d3ceb6be37afe8e9bf20b8ad5ce601412d9c42f8822a160748abd87a3

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Hackers Wallet #1
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Hackers Wallet #2
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Hackers Wallet on OKX

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Contract Exploit Scam


I can buy the token but can’t sell

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Ethereum logo

Contract Exploit Scam


Fui enganado por uma pessoa chamada (Alberto Miguel Moreira Cardoso) que eu fiz uma transferência no valor de 70€ euros que iria receber um lucro de 3.600€ em criptomoedas... Depois quando fiz a transferência dos 70€ euros., disse-me que tinha que mandar mais 314€ euros para uma conta criptomoedas para poder receber o meu lucro de 3,600€., e o que fiz? Fiz transferência dos 314€ euros para conta dele em criptomoedas para no final eu sair perder e ser burlado e não receber absolutamente nada..! Eu disse que vou apresentar reclamação à polícia e que tenho as provas de todas as transferências que ele fez para conta criptomoedas, e tenho também o seu certificado do seu trabalho e o seu cartão de cidadão que ele próprio me invejou..! Amanhã cedo vou na polícia apresentar reclamação sobre o senhor Alberto Miguel Moreira Cardoso.. Ficava muito grato que também me ajudou a ajudar sobre essa situação.. obrigado e aguardarei uma resposta...

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Contract Exploit Scam


used a smart contract to gain control of my wallet

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Contract Exploit Scam


This person named William contacted me to give me daily trading signals, everything was going well for two months and we were making profits, but on September 30, 2024, we made a trade and instead of the transaction, all the money was sent to an address that I do not know and all my money disappeared from my Trust wallet, a total of $89,583 USDT.

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For security reasons and to protect investigations, this report is currently only shared with Law Enforcement Partners.

Contract Exploit Scam

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce pellentesque vulputate iaculis. Integer lacus sapien, auctor quis nisi non, pulvinar accumsan ligula. Vivamus quis odio ut est iaculis lobortis ut eu leo. Nam mattis varius gravida. Vivamus aliquet vestibulum ex et rutrum. Mauris eu tempor mi, ac porttitor magna. Etiam id fermentum orci, et malesuada lacus. Morbi facilisis malesuada hendrerit. Fusce eu magna auctor, fringilla libero eget, sodales elit.

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Contract Exploit Scam


Someone got into my Coinbase exchange account, bought ETH and transferred out to another address on 2 occasions.

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Contract Exploit Scam


i deposited $400 to phantom. then I exchanged it for galaxy gas. 1 minute after, my funds were being sent out of my wallet to 2 addresses. Within 30 minutes, all of my crypto had been stolen.

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Contract Exploit Scam


On September 9th my crypto wallet from hashpack was drained. Around $70,000 worth today in four different tokens. Hbar, Jam, Dovu and Hsuite from my personal wallet at Hashpack wallet# 0.0.844290 Tokens were stolen and transferred to four different wallets at ChangeNow.io 1- 1,037,000 Hbar were transfered tofrom wallet 0.0.844290 to wallet 1725927967.850612979 2- 35,021,257 JAM were transfered tofrom wallet 0.0.844290 to wallet 1725927269.022652856 3-10,135,390 DOVU were transfered tofrom wallet 0.0.844290 to wallet 1725927223.820838988 4- 10,006,423 Hsuite were transfered tofrom wallet 0.0.844290 to wallet 1725927181.429130440 A communication was initiated with ChangeNow exchange on Thu Sept 12 when the incident was noticed. Apparently I’m not the only victim. They asked for evidence and evidence was provided. Their compliance department said next day Friday that those associated accounts were frozen and that they need law authorities to get in contact with them at compliance@changenow.io to prospectively solve this situation. links to each of the four withdrawals recorded at hashscan.io: Hbar https://hashscan.io/mainnet/transaction/1725927981.213568829 Jam https://hashscan.io/mainnet/transaction/1725927282.129051006 Dovu https://hashscan.io/mainnet/transaction/1725927239.481394006 Hsuite https://hashscan.io/mainnet/transaction/1725927194.887314004 Link to the history of transactions recorded hashscan.io on May 9th. It is important to mention that the big Hbar transaction doesn't show full details. https://hashscan.io/mainnet/account/0.0.844290?p1=8&k1=1726229191.460884256&pn=1&pt=1&kt=0.0.3045981-0.0.3210123&ph=1&pc=1 I also have a copy of the communication with ChangeNow exchange. I need help contacting ChangeNow at compliance@changenow.io as they recquested. I think we have an opportunity here Thank you

Reported Addresses
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JAM token
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Dovu token
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Hsuite token

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Reports by Chain

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Backed By
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