2 Scam Reports

Other: Money extortion via trancash on hacked email account


Scam related to this bitcoin scam as I was given a phone number listed on mxclive.ltd via email in order to transfer transcash codes via SMS (Made them give me a mobile number). Number was 0756902303 in France.

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Other: Scamming


The site https://mcx.ltd/ seems to be a scam site that attempts to play on greed in order to scam bitcoin. If you log in with the fake account username: rcdaniels@yahoo.com password: h6iUb_8klb*Apx you will see that there is just under 5BTC ( 4.98786 BTC) in the account, yet you need at least 5BTC to withdraw, the scam being that some people will try to transfer the small amount of bitcoin to be able to withdraw the 5BTC, but this 0.01...BTC will be lost as it will go to a real wallet never to be seen again. Another interesting indicator that the site is fraudulent, if you try to change the password for the account, it will work, but the old password will still work too.

Reported Address
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