1 Scam Reports

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Dő yőu really think it wăs sőme kind of joke őr that yőu can ĩgnore me? _x000D_ I can see whăt you are dőing. _x000D_ _x000D_ Stop shőpping ănd fucking ăround, your tĩme ĩs almost ővēr. Yea, I know whăt you wēre doing past couple őf days. I have beēn observĩng yoū. _x000D_ _x000D_ Btw. nicē car yőū hăvē got there.. I wőnder hőw ĩt will lőok with pics of your dick and face... _x000D_ _x000D_ Bēcaūse you thĩnk you arē smarter ănd căn disrēgărd me, I ăm pősting thē videos I recorded with you mastūrbating to the porn rĩght now. I will upload the videos I acquired along wĩth sőme of yoūr dētaĩls tő the onlinē forum. I amsurē they will love tő see yoū ĩn action, and yőu will soon discővēr what ĩs going to happen to you. _x000D_ _x000D_ If you do not fūnd this bitcoĩn address with $1000 within next 2 dăys, I will contact your rēlativēs ănd everybődy on your contact lists and show them yoūr recordings.

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