1 Scam Reports

Other: Stock investments


web page: https://trade.fin-toward.com/trade Company Name: Fin-Toward_x000D_ Contact:_x000D_ -support@fin-toward.com_x000D_ –compliance@fin-toward.com_x000D_ UK +441519470102_x000D_ UK +442037692282_x000D_ _x000D_ Description of scam schema:_x000D_ They called me and encouraged me to invest in stocks._x000D_ When I wanted to withdraw they always reply is needed for tax and comision must be paid._x000D_ First I paid the tax but when a second try they requested again I smell something is not good because I didnt get any money but they still request another amount for another tax._x000D_ _x000D_ On 2nd of November I made second so called tax of profit of 1989.90 Euro to Michael Andrews._x000D_ https://blockchair.com/bitcoin/transaction/9f2bab42e34fbab174d800ce52809ea86ef2b5dbe53ca65c840b4e334dd1ad54_x000D_ _x000D_ And now they told me due to Brexit issues they cant return me money._x000D_ So, in conclusion I lost my investments and they dont return at least my money._x000D_ For sure were many persons scammed like me... Please stop this schema/company

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