2 Scam Reports

Other Blackmail Scam


Threatening to release to my contacts nonexistent compromising video to all my contacts unless I pay $669 in Bitcoin.

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Other Blackmail Scam


This is important information for you! Some months ago I hacked your PC and got full access to your profile_x000D_ On day of hack your acc has password: megu1999_x000D_ So, you can change the password, yes.. Or already changed... But my bad soft intercepts it every time._x000D_ I think $644 is a very, very small amount for my silence._x000D_ Besides, I have been spying on you for so long, having spent a lot of time!_x000D_ Pay ONLY in Bitcoins!_x000D_ My BTC wallet: 1PrdHuQuCj8CAhB6qDc3VG65jUm6e5na61_x000D_ You do not know how to use bitcoins?_x000D_ Enter a query in any search sites: how to replenish btc wallet._x000D_ Its extremely easy_x000D_ For this payment I give you two days (48 hours).

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