1 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


Blackmail mentioning very old password. Well the last time you went to the adult material web sites, my spyware was activated inside your computer which ended up saving a eye-catching video footage of your masturbation play simply by activating your web camera Get USD 2000 in bitcoin and send it on the down below address: Blackmail mentioning very old password. Well the last time you went to the adult material web sites, my spyware was activated inside your computer which ended up saving a eye-catching video footage of your masturbation play simply by activating your web camera Get USD 2000 in bitcoin and send it on the down below address: b***c1q8rey7stk0hr3e7tge9qwl3edfr9vanjdg6u8xf Address may appear as 1PqqWY1*ZLBWv3TeX6tt7xyu7nu3bMs8R44.

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