1 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


I? aware, _____________, is your pass word. _x000D_ I requi?e ?our fu?l attention ?o? the next Twent?-?our hrs, or I m?? mak? sure you t??t yo? live ?u? of guilt for the ?est ?f your lifeti?e. _x000D_ _x000D_ H?ll?, you do not know me person?lly. However I know nearly a?ythin? ??out you. ?our presen? facebo?k ?ontact lis?, p?o?? contacts and a?? t?e di?ital a?tiv?ty i? ?o?r compu?er f?om pre?ious 189 day?. _x000D_ _x000D_ And thi? includes, yo?r masturba?ion vide?, which brings m? ?? ?he main moti?e why I am composin? thi? ?pec?fi? e-mail to yo?. _x000D_ _x000D_ Well the p??vious ti?? you went ?o t?e sexu?lly graphic onli?e sites, my malwar? ??s ?ct?va?ed ?n y?ur computer s?stem which e??ed u? ?o?umenting a e?e-catchin? v?deo ?f ?our s?lf ?leasure play by ?ct?vating yo?? cam. _x000D_ (yo? got a unqu?stionab?y odd pref?renc? btw ?aha) _x000D_ _x000D_ I hav? t?e co??let? record???. If, ?erhaps y?u feel I m ?l?ying ar?und, simp?? reply pro?f and I will be ????a????g th? r?co?d?ng ran?om?y to 11 peop?e you kn?w. _x000D_ _x000D_ I? m?ght ?nd up ?ei?g your ?riends, co workers, boss, mother and ?ather (Im not sure! My software ?il? ra?domly pick ?he con?act ?e?ails). _x000D_ _x000D_ Wi?l yo? ?e ?b?e t? look into a?yon?s eyes ?ga?n after i?? ? questio? it... _x000D_ _x000D_ But, ?t do?snt ha?e to ?e tha? ???. _x000D_ _x000D_ Im going to m?ke yo? a one t?m?, no ?ego??able offe?.

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