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Stephanie Harrison <stephanielatdiscu@aol.com> _x000D_ 11:54 AM (2 hours ago)_x000D_ _x000D_ to me_x000D_ Why is this message in spam?_x000D_ _x000D_ You reported this message as spam from your inbox._x000D_ Im appalled by you, bro._x000D_ Ure a mature person, and ur wanking...That truly impresses._x000D_ Artem, what is the matter with you?_x000D_ I suppose that ur hobby is on the brink of insanity, thiss how u love your sex hobby._x000D_ You dont seem a person, who is unable to get a girlfriend._x000D_ Well, its not up to me to say what others get to practice in their free time, but u truly surprised me._x000D_ And the explanation for all this is just ur fondness for your hand)_x000D_ It is difficult to determine that somebody accessed to ur device, not to mention the access to contact data from ur e-mail._x000D_ I would like to give you a piece of advice to stick up the webcam of your device when u do the stuff like that._x000D_ Bitcoin 1Pjk6wYqTYu5T6mReKXRCqKHjKKsC2sSdQ, good price 1099 USD._x000D_ I provide you with 40 h to meet my claims._x000D_ Elsewise, in eighty h I will publish the video clip I have recorded u are in on the net, as well as Ill send it to the contacts from ur electronic mail._x000D_ As soon as you read this message, the timer will start._x000D_ This mailing address will be deleted for personal reasons.

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