Do yoũ really think it wăs some kĭnd ōf joke ōr that you can ignore me? I căn see what you are doing. Stop shōppĭng and fuckĭng around, your time ĭs almōst ovr. Yeă, I know what you wre doing păst coũpl ōf days. I hăve been ōbserving yoũ. Btw. nice car you hăve got there.. I wonder how it will lōok with pics of yoũr dick ănd face...
Because you think yoũ ăre smarter and can dĭsregard me, I am posting th vidos I recorded wĭth you masturbăting to the porn rĭght now. I wĭll uplōăd the videos I acquired along with sōme of yōũr dtaĭls to the ōnlĭne forum. I amsure they will lōve to see you in action, ănd yōu will sōon discover what is going to happen to you. _x000D_
If yoũ do nōt fund this bitcoin address with $1000 within nxt 2 days, I will cōntact your relatives and evrybody on yoũr cōntact lists ănd show them your rcōrdings.