Well, in my opinion, $1000 is a reasonable price for your little secret. Youll make the payment by Bitcoin (if you dont know this, search how to buy bitcoin search engines like google). Bitcoin Address: 1PhGCRkrGhWX4TANBQxWv3pjcvrux9M2Je (Its case sensitive, so copy and paste it) Very important: You have one day to make the payment. (I have a completely unique pixel within this e mail, and at this moment I am aware you have read through this email message). If I dont get the BitCoins, I will certainly send your videos to all of your contacts including family members, co-workers, and so on. Having said that, if I receive the payment, Ill destroy the recording immidiately. If youd like evidence, reply with Yes! and ill definitely send your videos to your 6 contacts. It is a non-negotiable offer, that being said dont waste my personal time and yours by answering this message.