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email sent to my address: Everyone once in a while wank, but why practice it so frequently as you do?_x000D_ One day, ur creepy addiction may destroy your life, consider it._x000D_ U seem to be a mature human and I do not want to lecture u, but u behave like a teenager._x000D_ Because of your affection for onanism Im getting to feel disgusting when watching you via your cam._x000D_ I am not here to give you advice, but I would like to give you a word of advice, u should take care of ur safety on the net._x000D_ Sometimes it occurs that a human spends time on the Internet and doesnt have the slightest idea that meanwhile somebody is accessing to his or her device._x000D_ 1Pfix4HndNU5nLMyh4QU2b4iGLN5AMMhV Bit coin, 1300 $, is not much, considering the work I have done, and in return, ur dirty little secrets will remain yours, reward must be transferred within 34 hours._x000D_ If u are interested in what will occur in case you reject to address my claims, then you should realize that ur contact list is in my possession, and if u leave me dissatisfied, then in 86 hours everybody you communicate with will watch a fascinating video with you in the main role, and later the entire Internet will see it as well._x000D_ It is no use to answer this txt, just do what I instructed you.

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