2 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


Pay $1000 in bt? t? th? list?d below add??ss: _x000D_ bc1***qmcdsge5eqqqrpll0qpehqn7nw4w90p6fnpz9a8_x000D_ ?AS?-?ENSIT?V??o ???y & ?ast? i?, ??d r????e *** ??om it_x000D_ _x000D_ You could be questio?ing wh? ?he heck w?uld you do that? Very well, p?epare you?sel? simp?y because I am g??ng to t?emble your ?nti?e world now. I h?d a threatening adwa?e infe?t your o?n pc as well as reco?d vid?o c?ip of YOU (using yo?r cam) w?ile y?u brow?ed adu?t websi?es._x000D_ _x000D_ Heres o?e of yo?r ?wn pas?word XXXXXXX_x000D_ _x000D_ Neve?th?l??? don? belie?e me? ?epl? 7 and Il? be r??domly ?hare your vi?eo ?lip with 7 peopl? ?ou recognize (Ye?, Weve access to ?our ???re?s ?ook als?)._x000D_ _x000D_ A? ?his moment, what c?n ? ?ant to ?et th?s to entire thing g? away? Ver? w??l, I have ???eady pointed out th? particular off?r i? s?art?ng of th? mail. Should you not ful?ill it ?ithin Twenty-four ho?rs, I will ma?e ?our life ??ll by mai?i?g that video clip to Ev?ry person you ?now. Your ?ime frame b?gi?s rig?? now.

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Sextortion Scam


Email scam asking for bitcoin in exchange for videos of me with pornography.

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