1 Scam Reports

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Scam type BTC mining company https://advancedforex.net _x000D_ https://www.vericombtcmining.com _x000D_ _x000D_ ( Professional educated scammer, Main target is female !! )_x000D_ _x000D_ I have invested with this BTC mining company for $500_x000D_ (https://www.vericombtcmining.com ) I received profit 9,000$ in next 14 days later the support team informed that I have to pay 30% withdrawals fee upfront and they informed that I have wallet issue then they asked my Blockchain’s wallet ID and Password to extract my profits manually into wallet and I waited for 4-5 days I still had not received it then they the support advised me to fund 50% of my profit which is 4,500$ in my wallet until now I still have not received anything.

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