1 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


our pass word is xxxxxxxxx, and I need your full attention for the the next 24 hours, or I will certainly make sure you that you live out of shame for the rest of your lifetime. _x000D_ Hello, you dont know me. Yet I know every thing regarding you. Your entire fb contact list, mobile phone contacts along with all the online activity on your computer from previous 189 days._x000D_ _x000D_ Consisting of, your masturbation video, which brings me to the primary reason why I m composing this particular email to you._x000D_ _x000D_ Well the previous time you visited the porn online sites, my spyware ended up being activated in your pc which ended up saving a eye-catching footage of your masturbation act simply by activating your web camera._x000D_ (you got a really strange taste by the way haha)_x000D_ _x000D_ I have got the full recording. Just in case you feel I m fooling around, simply reply proof and I will be forwarding the recording randomly to 9 people you recognize._x000D_ _x000D_ It could be your friend, co workers, boss, parents (Im not sure! My software program will randomly select the contact details)._x000D_ _x000D_ Would you be able to look into anyones eyes again after it? I question that..._x000D_ _x000D_ However, it doesnt need to be that path._x000D_ _x000D_ I would like to make you a one time, non negotiable offer._x000D_ _x000D_ Purchase $2000 BTC and send them to the listed below add ress:_x000D_ _x000D_ ^^1PM97H6yo597gNU^^PDYPLZ9Qz1cKQzBnc3a_x000D_ [CASE sensitive copy & paste it, and remove ^^ from it]_x000D_ _x000D_ (If you dont know how, google how to buy BTC. Do not waste my valuable time)_x000D_ _x000D_ After I receive the amount, I will go away and never make contact with you again. I will delete everything Ive got in relation to you. You may continue living your regular day to day life with zero stress._x000D_ _x000D_ Youve got 1 day in order to do so. Your time begins as soon you read through this mail. I have got an unique program code that will notify me once you go through this email therefore do not try to play smart.

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