Hi, my —Ärey.
I write you since I embed a malware on the web page with pornography which you have visited._x000D_
My tr–æj–∞n captured all your priv–∞te d–∞t–∞ and switched –æn your camer–∞ which recorded th–µ a—Åt –æf y–æur solit–∞ry sex. Just –∞fter th–∞t th–µ troj–∞n saved your —Åont–∞ct list._x000D_
I will er–∞s–µ th–µ c–æm—Är–æmising vide–æ re—Å–ærds –∞nd inf–ærm–∞ti–æn if y–æu s–µnd me 2000 USD in bitcoin._x000D_
This is –∞ddr–µss for paym–µnt : 1PLtH8HPHQLboeFvrBN2XJPJz99TxayGCo_x000D_
I give y–æu 30 hours –∞ft–µr you –æ—Äen my m–µss–∞g–µ for m–∞king the payment._x000D_
If y–æu dont —Äay, Ill s–µnd dirt t–æ all your —Åont–∞cts_x000D_
Y–æu can visit th–µ —Äoli—Å–µ –æffi—Åe but anybody cant help y–æu. _x000D_
If y–æu try t–æ d–µceiv–µ m–µ , Ill know it imm–µdiat–µly! _x000D_
I dont live in your —Å–æuntry. So –∞nyon–µ —Å–∞n n–æt track my locati–æn –µven for 9 m–ænths._x000D_
by–µ. Dont forg–µt –∞b–æut the shame and t–æ ign–ære, Your life c–∞n be ruin–µd.