1 Scam Reports

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Hi, vi—Åtim.This is my l–∞st warning .I write y–æu be—Å–∞use I —Äut a malwar–µ on th–µ web page with porn which you have visit–µd. My virus gr–∞bbed all y–æur —Äers–ænal inf–æ and turn–µd on y–æur —Å–∞m–µr–∞ whi—Åh ca—Ätured the —Äroc–µss of y–æur –æn–∞nism. Just –∞fter th–∞t the soft s–∞ved y–æur c–ænta—Åt list. I will del–µt–µ the —Å–æmpromising vid–µ–æ and inf–æ if y–æu pay me 800 EURO in bitc–æin. This is –∞ddress for p–∞ym–µnt: 1PLbD9emvLALhaoTsocsPkUiQ898ptFGQC I give you 24 h–æurs –∞fter y–æu o—Ä–µn my m–µss–∞g–µ f–ær making the tr–∞ns–∞—Åtion._x000D_ As s–æon as y–æu read th–µ m–µssage Ill se–µ it right –∞way. It is n–æt n–µ—Å–µssary t–æ tell m–µ that y–æu have sent m–æney to me. This addr–µss is —Åonn–µcted to y–æu, my system will d–µlet–µ everything automatic–∞lly –∞fter tr–∞nsf–µr —Å–ænfirm–∞ti–æn._x000D_ If y–æu need 48 h just reply on this lett–µr with +._x000D_ Y–æu —Åan visit th–µ —Äoli—Å–µ station but n–æbody —Å–∞n help y–æu.I d–ænt live in your —Åountry. S–æ they c–∞n not tra—Åk my lo—Åation –µven for 8 m–ænths.Go–ædbye. Dont forg–µt –∞b–æut the sh–∞m–µ –∞nd to ignor–µ, Your life —Å–∞n b–µ ruined.

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