1 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


Email Message: Your pleasure oneself was filmed with the help of my software._x000D_ I’m not going to go into details the way it happened._x000D_ And word of advice – watch out for unsavory sites, and anti virus gotta be always updated._x000D_ But these actions not always can save ur device._x000D_ Now attentively and to the end read the notification, lest the consequences may be irreversible._x000D_ Don’t attempt to contact legal bodies, they won’t be able to fix ur things, I’m a non-resident._x000D_ If you flout the demands, in ninety six hours I am gonna send your impure videos to ur buddies and family, in this way damaging your reputation in the sight of others for the rest of your life!_x000D_ In 48 hours from the time of opening this notice you effect payment to me for me keeping quiet, and I will sweep off all blackmail material where you wanks._x000D_ There’s no need to write and beseech me, the mail is hacked and soon the access to it will be denied._x000D_ I’m not the person to judge your weakness, even though it is a great sin in any faith._x000D_ I’m concerned with payoff for the activity I carried out.

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