I`m aware that you watch aduIt 18+ videos!_x000D_
The smart-phone that you have got a virus so I was able to control your microphone and your camera and record you without your knowledge while you pleasure yourself! Here is the deal... if you don`t pay me 500$ worth of Bit-C0in the video with you(doing you know what) will be sent to all your contacts._x000D_
My sneaky app that was installed had also the function, to grab all your contacts from phonebook, social media contacts, emails. Did I got the passwords? Neah, any smart-phone have like a virus detection tool build-in so they scan what actually an app can do, so stealing passwords? Not good, this can be detected! Using camera and extracting contacts without the use know? Normal stuff!_x000D_
Ok! So.. to get some coins go and search on Google for Buy Bit-C0in instantly and send to this address:_x000D_
Address: 1 P F 5 p 8 6 e 3 p M 1 P E Z o r J q A d G y 1 D 4 U u m t W 9 q S_x000D_
Amount: 0.044_x000D_
Be aware! My address which is Case Sensitive has spaces and you have to manually remove all spaces and the result it has to be a string of 34 characters long and it will start with 1 and will end with S. Use the string without spaces to send my coins! I gave you a few days!_x000D_
So, to remove my sneaky hidden app reset your device to factory settings. Go on Google and search for Reset Factory Settings [your model phone]. Maybe you think that I have your passwords as well, go ahead change them too! To stop getting vlruses... next time, make the updates in time for apps!_x000D_
Also, you may took in consideration to stop with this habbit of watching videos like this... it makes a mess in your brain.