1 Scam Reports

Other: investment scram


I received a cold call from a person named MARKUS GREEN from Mygoldenbin, He said it would only cost 250 USD and I could start making money with them. I agreed this was on the date in early June._x000D_ So, the next day we worked on some investments and he made a profit on their platform. Then, I have withdrawn few amounts. Then I have reinvested bigger amount and made a profit again and have withdrawn again about 400Eur. _x000D_ After that investing in BTC, bigger amount was transferred and after doing a profit, I have withdrawn 1500eur. _x000D_ Then I have invested more and after that, I felt it is something wrong as I wanted to withdraw all my initial investment and leave the profit. _x000D_ Everything was with Markus Green Help. _x000D_ When I wanted to withdraw the initial investment, they asked me for 25%commission. _x000D_ Paying for that amount they told me they want to shut my account and to withdraw all the money so I “had” to pay more commission. They did not release my first request for withdrawal of initial investment. _x000D_ After that, I was waiting talking every day by phone with Steve Gregory to get approved by the “financial department” who was Mr. James Milshouse. _x000D_ Finally, they approved in the platform the whole amount (it can be seen in mygoldenbit.com), I have got the confirmation by email, but the money never got into my Binance wallet. _x000D_ This time they told me money is on hold made by Blockchain.com. They told me to pay 0.006…BTC (about 2000eur) to a wallet address is supposed to be an intermediary wallet from Blockchain and after payment, Blockchain will release my money instantly. _x000D_ They told me this money is required by Blockchain for the usage of their network by me and by Goldenbit. I did not pay this amount; I have the address of the wallet where I am supposed to pay. I have emails, WhatsApp, and registration.

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