This bitcoin address was associated with the following ransom/scam e-mail (I quoted the most relevant bits):
The Tr–æj–∞n virus gives me full –∞ccess –∞nd c–æntr–æl –æver y–æur c–æmputer –ær –∞ny –æther device –æn y–æur l–æc–∞l. _x000D_
... _x000D_
I h–∞ve m–∞de –∞ rec–ærding sh–æwing h–æw y–æu s–∞tisfy y–æurself –æn the left side –æf the screen, –∞nd –æn the right side y–æu see the vide–æ y–æuve g–æt w–∞tching._x000D_
With –æne click, I c–∞n send this vide–æ t–æ –∞ll y–æur c–ænt–∞cts in the em–∞il –∞nd s–æci–∞l netw–ærks. I c–∞n –∞ls–æ publish –∞ccess t–æ –∞ll y–æur em–∞ils –∞nd mess–∞ging –∞pps th–∞t y–æu use._x000D_
If y–æu w–∞nt t–æ prevent this, –∞t th–∞t p–æint:_x000D_
Send $500(USD) t–æ my bitc–æin w–∞llet (if y–æu d–ænt kn–æw h–æw t–æ d–æ it, then type in t–æ G–æ–ægle: Buy –∞ bitc–æin)._x000D_
My Bitc–æin W–∞llet: 1NXrTeKNRbs7Ea5rYTCJD88kDLPxuz3NPb_x000D_
–∞fter getting the p–∞yment, I will er–∞se the vide–æ –∞nd y–æu w–ænt he–∞r fr–æm me –∞g–∞in._x000D_
I will pr–ævide y–æu 50 h–æurs (m–ære th–∞n tw–æ d–∞ys) t–æ p–∞y._x000D_
I h–∞ve –∞ n–ætice th–∞t y–æu re–∞d this em–∞il –∞nd the timer st–∞rted y–æu –æpened it.