1 Scam Reports



Surprised? <br><br>_x000D_ I have yet another surprise for you, our intercourse video. _x000D_ <br><br>_x000D_ Yes, you read it right. We had intercourse a while back, and I recorded a video of it. Not just the video, I even saved all your passwords, contact lists and every little thing. I did all of this when you were in the washroom, trying to clean yourself. _x000D_ <br><br>_x000D_ Trust me, I can fcuk up your life if I want to. _x000D_ <br><br>_x000D_ I am not an evil individual, it is that, I need some money and I am certain you can help me with it. _x000D_ <br><br>_x000D_ So here is the non-negotiable deal. You send me $1500, and I will delete every little thing I have about you. You will never ever hear from me._x000D_ 3. I will NOT allow you live your life, as simple as that. I will keep coming back.

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