1 Scam Reports

Other: investment scram


Oling Xue messaged me, she said she is doing business in a trading company and had an uncle who is analyst and broker who helped her with the trading strategies and make a profit. We become friends and she offered me help by sharing her strategies and making some profits. She asked me to deposit $5000 so I can start making money with them, so I did. Then her uncle contacted me and opened an account on MT5 with Roden global. He gave some strategies which we traded and made some profits. Then they said the market is good and we can make huge profit with higher investment. They asked me to deposit more money to reach $50,000, they said they`ll help with $30,000 and I have to manage $20,000, I agreed and deposited $21,000. We traded and we made a profit of $20,000. Then I asked for a withdrawal, they said I can have $500,000 if I can deposit $200,000, I didn`t agree. They said if I collect $50,000, she can help me with the rest. I asked my family for money and also took a loan, so I deposited $50,000 but then she said she had some problems in the company so she can`t help with the rest of the money she only collected $30,000 and asked me to collect the rest. Then they told me if I can`t collect the rest they won`t help me to complete the transaction so I deposited another ¥3,000,000, but it was still not enough so I bought some BTC and sent it to them ($30,000). They again shared strategies with me and we made a profit. Then I asked for a withdrawal but they said I have to pay 5% of my account balance. This was the point I felt I have been scammed. I have lost $ 128,006. These people especially Olingxue have turned my life upside down.

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