2 Scam Reports



This is obviously the biggest nonsense, paying with Bitcoin is anonymous so the scammer cannot know who the money came from (there is no sender). The story as described in the mail is therefore incorrect and is not based on truths. From: gititesat4 <gititesat4@bol.com.br> Date: Tue, Dec 25, 2018 at 3:34 AM Subject: id I4gZ6jSOzT You can complain to the police but they cant help you. I am foreigner. It means nobody can trace my location even for 3 months. Your system was infected by my malicious soft. We had access to your webcam, during your porn web-page visit. Now we have the video with you, caressing yourself. Having VNC session we copied all your contacts so if you want us to delete this compromising evidence I need to receive 0.15 in BTC.

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Other Blackmail Scam


From: gititesat4 <gititesat4@bol.com.br> Date: Tue, Dec 25, 2018 at 3:34 AM_x000D_ Subject: id I4gZ6jSOzT_x000D_ _x000D_ You can complain to the police but they cant help you._x000D_ I am foreigner. It means nobody can trace my location even for 3 months._x000D_ Your system was infected by my malicious soft._x000D_ We had access to your webcam, during your porn web-page visit._x000D_ Now we have the video with you, caressing yourself._x000D_ Having VNC session we copied all your contacts so if you want us to delete this compromising evidence I need to receive 0.15 in BTC._x000D_ This is my BTC address _x000D_ (13r8icd92BaJS5k4uMTEz5CPuEVDFqm1vo)_x000D_ (use it like your credit card number) _x000D_ You have 28 hours after clicking on my message to complete the payment._x000D_ You do not need to tell me that you have paid. This bitcoin wallet is connected to you, everything will be deleted automatically after payment confirmation._x000D_ You can get 48 hours only reply on this letter with +._x000D_ Bye. Think about the ignominy

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