1 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


ī setup a mälwäre on the 18+ vidĕo clips (sex sites) sīte and do you knōw what, yōu visited this web sīte to have fun (you knōw what i mĕän). When yoũ were viewing videos, yōũr brōwser īnitiated operating as a Rĕmōte control Desktop with a kĕy logger whīch gave me access to yōur display and cam. immediatĕly after thät, my softwarĕ cōllected yōur entire cōntacts from your Mĕssenger, social networks, änd e-mailaccoũnt. and then ī mäde a dōublĕ-screen vidĕō. First pärt shōws the video you were watching (yōu havĕ a fine taste rofl), and next pärt displays the recording of your web camera, yea its you. _x000D_ etc.....

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