1 Scam Reports

Other Blackmail Scam


Got mail: Hi, _x000D_ I hope u dont mind my english language grammar, considering that i am from Denmark. I toxified your machine with a malware and im in possession of all of your private info out of your operating system. _x000D_ It was set up on a mature page after which you have picked the video clip and clicked on it, my software immediately gain access to your system. _x000D_ Afterward, your front-camera documented you wank, in addition i caught a movie that youve looked at. _x000D_ After some time in addition, it pulled out every one of your social contact info. If u wish me to clear off your all that i currently have - transmit me 760 euros in bitcoin it is a cryptocurrency. Its my account number : 13V7T2prSLARokwA2uRBii8qJPhKVCdPWz _x000D_ At this moment you will have 27 hrs. to make a decision The moment i will get the deal i will wipe out this evidence and every thing entirely. In any other case, please remember that your footage would be submitted to all your contacts.

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