2 Scam Reports

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I know, (6ggsgsgtr67) is one of your passphrases. Number 2 option should be to pay me $666. u can keep your way of life like this never took place and you will not hear back again from me.I will refer to it as a donation. as a result, I most certainly will straight away eliminate your video. Yo_x000D_ B‚ÄåT‚ÄåC‚Äå ad‚Äådre‚Äåss to send to: 13Gi4b995ATEosyQyKz8KNMMQ2H1qpCHPF

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Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2019 21:27:40 -0700 From: X <rrmaaukur@kuuumofed.com>_x000D_ _x000D_ Let me tell you, I installed a software on the xxx streaming (porn) site and theres more, you visited this site to experience fun (you know what I mean). When you were watching video clips, your web browser initiated working as a RDP that has a key logger which provided me with access to your display screen as well as web cam. _x000D_ _x000D_ First alternative is to disregard this email. in that case, I most certainly will send your actual video recording to all your your personal contacts and you _x000D_ _x000D_ 2nd solution will be to give me $877. We will name it as a donation. as a _x000D_ _x000D_ You have two days in order to pay. Ive a unique pixel in this email message, and now I know that you have read through this e-mail.

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