2 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


Email sent to us stating that they have Hacked our account by spoofing our address. _x000D_ Email contains threats that the user has been on Adult websites and the hacker has done some trojan magic to their drivers which means that they now have remote access to spy on said user and record them getting off._x000D_ _x000D_ The email then stated that the user needs to pay bitcoins to the following address - _x000D_ 13C69WwmuoFSZ1bCSpP37UG9GT67cowLga_x000D_ _x000D_ We have received several reports about this email.

Reported Address
Reported Address
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Sextortion Scam


Generic extortion email with said bitcoin address and step 4 being Stap 4: Neem contact met mij op via deze e-mailadressen _x000D_ albertofella147@gmail.com en changerb001@aol.com kopieer ook naar _x000D_ macrod199@gmail.com met dit onderwerp: 099VIPSERVER-_x000D_ RESTOREKEYPC41078_x000D_ _x000D_ my email address used is actually a forward address and I use only Chromebooks, so impossible the culprit could have had any access

Reported Address
Reported Address
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