1 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


How does your hand feel? Still not sick of ur wanking? If ur hand were able to walk away from you, it would have by all means done this already._x000D_ When u visit porn sites don’t be amazed at infecting ur device, and at the fact that a person can activate ur web camera and film your intimate activity with ur hand._x000D_ The instructions are plain and simple._x000D_ U give money to me, and in return I will eliminate ur lamentable video tape and leave you alone._x000D_ 138sGbndbwbhQ1VZ4WVoPuzu7TkeVuJjH1 Bitcoin, good price 1149 $_x000D_ After satisfying my requirements, you’re never gonna see me again._x000D_ Elsewise, I’ll be forced to present it to the whole world._x000D_ And I recommend you – find a girlfriend._x000D_ Do not write to me, this address will be deleted for security reasons._x000D_ I think forty-eight h are going to be sufficient for settling the monetary question. (I will be informed when you read it).

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