1 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


email received from laurieperlaeter1977@aol.com to my address danhax@gmail.com 7:56am Aug 20 2021: _x000D_ Hola Daniel. What kind of shit is that, bro? To fap so much is beyond the powers of average humans) Obviously, this is no business of mine what men practice in their spare time, but u impressed me. You destroy yourself by your disgusting habit. U seem to prepare for setting a record for wanking, there is no other excuse of your determination. It’d be rude of me not to give you a piece of advice to cover your camera, when you practice such stuff. I am surprised by the fact that you’re an adult but you have this kind of hobby. I’ll get straight to the point. 132SBVK29ENHmq3ZL5vzeBxmHpDeh5xN9Q Bitcoin, there wont be a better offer 0.040. I give u thirty six hours to fulfill my demands. When my requirements are satisfied, I will sweep off the dirt on you. In case u decide to neglect me, in 72 hours I am going to share ur video with the contacts from ur email that I cloned. U got to be more careful, or u shouldnt be surprised by a viewer who has accessed to ur device. You wont be able to communicate with me, on sending this text I’m going to delete the present address on personal considerations.

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