1 Scam Reports

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I ne?d your full ?t?ent?on fo? t?e u? c???ng 24 hou?s, or I will make sure y?u tha? ?ou li?e ?u? of gu?l? for th? res? of your life span. _x000D_ Hi, you d? n?t know me ?erso?ally. Yet I kno? just abo?t ?verything conce??ing you. ?our perso?a? face??ok ?ont?ct list, mobil? p?one cont?cts a? we?l as all the di?ita? ?ct???ty ?n ?our computer from pa?t ?1? days. _x000D_ _x000D_ Whi?h inc?udes, you? se?f ?leasure video, wh?ch b??ngs me to the ?ain ?ea?on why I am cra???ng this spe?ific ma?l to yo?. _x000D_ _x000D_ ?el? ?he las? ti?e you we?? ?? ?ee t?? adult porn ?ebp?ges, my ?py?a?e wa? activated insid? yo?r co?put?? ???ch ended up recor??n? a be?ut??u? f?otag? of your ?asturbatio? act simpl? ?y activ??ing ?ou? webcam. _x000D_ (you got ? r?ally odd preference b?w lol) _x000D_ _x000D_ ? ha?e got the ?ho?? r?cor?ing. If, pe????s ?ou thin? I am ??aying ?rou??, ?imply repl? proof and I will be fo?ward?ng the part?cul?r r?c?rdin? rando?l? ?o 12 people you recognize. _x000D_ _x000D_ It ?ould be yo?r f??en?, co worker?, boss, parents (Im n?t s??e! My ?yst?m ?il? r?ndo?l? ??ck t?e conta?ts). _x000D_ _x000D_ ??uld you be c??a?le ?o look into anyo?es ??es a?ain a??er it? I ?uest?on that... _x000D_ _x000D_ B?t, it does ?ot have to be t?at wa?. _x000D_ _x000D_ ? want to make yo? a ? time, non n?gotia??e offer. _x000D_ _x000D_ Get U?D 3000 in ?TC and send it t? t?e below a?dress:

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