? ?o ?now, ***************, is y?ur pa?s?or?.
I ne?d yo?r c?mple?e a?te?tion for the the ??x? Twenty-four ?o?r?, or I ?il? make ?ure you tha? you li?e out of gui?? ?or th? r?st of y?u? l?fet??e. _x000D_
Hi, ?o? do ?ot kn?? me per??nally. Y?t I k?ow eve?y ?h?ng ?on?erning you. Your p????nal fb con?ac? l??t, smartp??ne ?o??acts plu? all the virtua? activit? on your comput?r ?rom pa?t ??2 ????. _x000D_
?n? this ?ncludes, your m?st?r?a?io? video ??otage, wh?ch ?rings ?e to the main re?son wh? ? m comp?s?n? t?is e-ma?l to yo?. _x000D_
?ell ?he las? tim? you w?nt ?o ?he sexual?y graphic web si?es, my ?alw?re was ?ctiv?ted ?n?ide you? pc which e?ded ?p logg?ng a ?ovely vide? of your ma?turbati?n act ??mp?y by trigge?ing ?our w?b c??. _x000D_
(you got ? in?re?ibl? str??ge ??ste b?w lmao) _x000D_
I have go? the w?o?e rec?rdi?g. ?f perhaps y?u think I am messing a?ou?d, ?im?ly ?ep?y p?o?f and ? wil? be forwarding t?e recor?ing r?ndomly t? 12 people yo?re f?i?nd? with. _x000D_
I? cou?d end up ?ei?g your friend, c? worker?, bo?s, ?ot??r and fa?her (?m not su?e! My system will rando?l? pi?k the contact d?tail?). _x000D_
?ou?d you be ?ble to lo?? into an?o??s e?es a??in after it? I doub? it... _x000D_
No?et?eles?, do?snt nec?ssaril? n?e? to b? ?ha? way. _x000D_
I would ???e ?o ??k? you a one time, no negotia?l? o?fe?. _x000D_
Purchase $ 3000 in B?C a?? s??d i? ?o the l?st?d belo? address:
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