1 Scam Reports

Other: investment scram


I met a woman on a social media site to study a language. (2020/12/23). She said she`s working for DBS Bank in Singapore and is an investment adviser, and she has her aunt who is familiar with crypto assets, and she was making a big investment profit from that information. She recommended this investment, and I bought Bitcoin for $ 1000 and exchanged it for a cryptocurrency called NGBC on her informed site (PCMWordex.com). After this investment, a big profit was confirmed on that site, so by January 29, I made a total of 6 investments of $ 26,000. After that, I couldnt access this investment site. (2021/02/09). I checked this site on the internet and found that it was a scam site, so I asked her to withdraw these investments and but I couldnt withdraw because of poor credibility with me. (2021/02/14). The site is inaccessible.

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