2 Scam Reports

Other Blackmail Scam


Hey, I actually came to know the too dirty secrets. I wont reveal you what exactly Im aware of, I have every detail along with me. To show this, just let myself inform you that one of your security passwords is eugene99. Send me $4000 via BITC01N to the address 12bnfPtvygTakLypKuqt5cZTy1w26LtKDx within the next 43 hrs. Let me make one thing clear, that I will mess up your life completely if I dont get the payment. As long as I do get the payment, Ill erase each info I have with me, and ill disappear for good . and you will never ever hear anything from myself. This is the first and also final e mail from me and also the offer is non negotiable, so do not respond to this email.

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Other Blackmail Scam


Hello there, I actually came to know the scummy secrets. I wont explain you what exactly I came to know, Ive got everything with me. To demonstrate my point, just let myself tell you that one of your passwords is xxxxx. Send me $3000 via BITC01N to the address 12bnfPtvygTakLypKuqt5cZTy1w26LtKDx within the next 47 hours. I would like to make one important thing crystal clear, that I will destroy your life fully if I dont get the payment. When I get the payment, I will delete each and every details Ive with me, and ill disappear completely and you will definitely never ever hear anything from myself. This is the first and also last e-mail from me and also the offer is non negotiable, and so do not answer to this mail.

Reported Address
Reported Address
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