1 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


I compromised your account and gained full access to it. As proof, I just sent this email from your account only No, cunt you spoofed the email from, mail.naihautsui.co.kr. Let me tell you exactly how did this happen No, shut the fuck up you mongoloid loser, because it DID NOT HAPPEN. Now, if you do nothing, then I will send this video to all of your email, social media and messenger contacts. OK, do it. Send the non-existent video from my non-existent webcam to all the people you want, you fucking retarded turd flinging monkey. All you need to do is to make the transfer of $968 Nope, never going to happen, youll just have to figure out how to copy someone elses scam you lame bitch. My malware will also self destruct itself once I get the payment LOL, bitcoin is anonymous so IF anyone pays, whose data self destructs? Idiot. This email is untraceable No, I did trace it and you are about to be beaten to dead with a rusty lead pipe.

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