1 Scam Reports

Sextortion Scam


i am àware *** one of yŏur pass words. Lets get right to purpose. Not a single persŏn has compěnsàtěd mě tŏ invěstigate you. You may nŏt know me and yoũ are prŏbably thinking why you àre getting thĺs màil? i plàced a softwàre on the 18+ vids (pornography) website and do yŏũ know what, yŏu visĺted this websĺte to hàvě fun (you know what i meàn). Whěn you were viěwing viděŏ clĺps, yŏur web browser began workĺng às a Remote Děsktop having a keylogger which gàve mě accessibility to your displày scrěen ànd also web camera. Just after thàt, my sŏftwàrě program ŏbtainěd ěvery one ŏf yoũr contàcts from your Messenger, FB, ànd e-màilaccoũnt. and then i màde à double video. First part shŏws the vĺdeo you wěre vĺěwing (you have a nice taste hàhà), and sěcŏnd part displàys the recordĺng of yoũr cam, & ĺt is you._x000D_ Yŏu do havě 2 optĺons. Shall wě reàd each one of thěsě possibilĺties ĺn detaĺls: _x000D_ Blah, blah, blah ...

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